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74 Thefourth vert opened. Pfal. i 3 o. Worship ofGod, moral and inflituted, all the Obedience which we owe unto him, both for matter and manner, is intended. Whatever we are to perform unto God, being to be carried on and performed withReverence and godly fear, by a Metonymy of the Adjunli, that name is given to the whole. That thorn mayft befeared, then, is that thou maift be ferved, worshipped; that I who am ready to faint and give over on the account of fn, may yet be encouraged unto, ,and yet continue in that Obedience which thou requireft at my hands ; And this appears to be the fence of the whole Verse ; as influenced by, and from thole foregoing. Although O Lord, no man can approach unto thee, and before thee, or walk with thee, if thou fhouldfi mark their fins and fol- lies according to the tenor of' the Law, nor could they ferve fo great and holy a God as thouart; yet becaufe I know, from thy Revelation of it, that there is alfo with thee on the account ofJefun Chriff the propitiation, pardonand forgivenefl; I am encouraged to continue with thee, waiting for thee, worfhipping of thee, when without this difcovery, I fhould rather chute tohave Rocks and Mountains fäi upon me, to hide mefrom thy pretence. But .there is forgivenefl with thee and therefore thou fhalt be feared. The words being thus opened, we may take a full view in them of the Rate and condition of the foul expreffed in this Pfalm ; and that anfwering the 'experiences of all who have had any thing to do with God, in and about the Depths and Entanglements of fin. Having in, and from hisgreat depths, v. I. addreffed himfrlf with fervent redoubled cryes, yea, outcryes, to God, and to him alone for relief, v. r, 2. having all() acknowledged his iniqui- ties, and confidered them according to the tenor of the Law,v.3, he confeffeth himself to be loft and undone for ever on that ac- count, v. 3. But he abides not in this hate of felf-candemnation and dejectionof foul; He layes not there is no hope, God is a jealous God, anholy God, I cannot ferve him ; his Law is a fiery Law, which I cannot hand before, fo that I had as good give