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Ver.4. DoarinalObfervatìon.r fms Ver. 4. 7 5 give over, tit down and perith, as contend any longer ! no, but fearching by faith into the difcovery that God makes of him- felf in Chriti through the Covenant of Grace, he finds a (table foundation ofencouragement, to continue waiting on him, with expeCation of mercy and pardon., Propofitions or Obfirvations from the former Expofition of the wards. Thefirji propofed to confirmation. No encourage- mentfor anyfinner to approach unto God, without a difco- very of forgtveneff. From the words unfolded as they lye in their contexture, in the DoEtrinal P :elm the enfuing Pro ftions do arile. Obîervari f b l 0115 from 1. Faiths difcovery of forgivemß in God, though it have no pre- v. 4. fentfnfe of its ownpeculiar interest therein, is thegreat fupportment of afin perplexed foul. 2. Go#el Forgiveneß, whole difcovery is the foie fupportment of fin dijtrefd fouls, relates to the gracious heart, or good will of the Father, the God of forgivenefl, the propitiation that is made by the blood of the Son, and free condonation or pardon according to the tenor ofthe Covenant ofGrace. 3. Faiths difcovery of Forgivenefi in God, is the file bottom of adherence to him, in acceptable Worfhip and reverential obedience. The firft of these, is that whole confirmation and improve- ment I principally aimat ; and the other only fo far as they have a coincidence therewith,or may be ufed in a fubferviency to the illuaration or dernonfiration thereof. In the handling then of this truth, that it may be of the more advantage unto them whole good is fought, and intended in the propofal and management of it, I thall Beer this court, and thew, z, That there is not the leafs encouragement tothe foul of a finner . todeal withGod without this difcovery. 2. That this difovery of forgivenefl in God is a matter great, holy andmyfferious ; andwhich veryfew onGofpel abidinggrounds, do attainunto. 3. That yet this is agreat, facredand certain Truth, as from the manifold Evidences of it, may be mide to appear. I., z 4. That