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reftínronj ofthe Law Pfal. i 30. power, and claims a right tocondemnboth fin and finner the one part of this its power is to be cleared, f}rengthened, made moreactive, vigorous and watchful, theother to be taken quite away. It thall now feemore fins than formerly, more of the vitenefl of ail fins than formerly , and condemn them with more abborrency than ever, upon more, and more glori- ous accounts than formerly ; but it is alfo made to fee an inrerpofition between thefe fins, and the Perfon of the fin. ner, who hath committed them ; which is no fmall or or- dinary work. Testimony Secondly, The Law lyes againfit this difiovery. The Law is ®f the Law a beam of the Holinefs of God himfelf. What it fpeaks unto againa Ere forgivenefs us, iti'peaks in the name and Authority ofGod ; And I (hall of fin. briefly fhew concerning it thefe two things. I. That this is the voyce of the Law ; namely, that there is no forgiveneßfor a fanner. 2. That afinner hath great reafon to givecredit to the Law in that Affertion. r. It is certain that theLaw knows neither mercy nor for- giveneß. The very fancion of it lyes wholly againfl them: The foul that finneth _hall dye. Curfed is he that continuetb not in all things written in the Book of the Law to do them, Deut.27.26e Hence the Apoffle pronounceth univerfally without exception, that they who are under the Law, are under the curfee, Gal.;. ao. And faith he, v. 12. The Law it not offaith. There is an in- confiflency between the Law, and believing ; they cannot have their abode in power together. Do this and live ; failand dye; is the conflant immutable voyce of the Law. This it fpeaks ingeneral to all ; and this inparticular to every one. a. The finner feems to have manifold and weighty Reafons to attend to the voyce of this Law, and to acquiefce in its fen- tence. For, r. The Law is connatural to him ; his Domeftick , his Old ac- quaintance. It came into the world with him , and hath grown up with him fromhis Infancy._ It was implanted in his heart by nature ; is his ownRteafon ; he can never thake it off, or part with it. It ishis Familiar, 'bit Friend, that cleaves to