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Vera.. again the Jorgief o, fin. 85 ry perfwaIion will find themfelves wofully miltaken at the great day. On theft.: and the like confderar ons, I fay, there Teems to be a great deal of ReaJ.1n, why a fourfhould conclude that it will be according to the tellitnonyof the Law ; and that he fh, it not find forgivenefs..;-Law and Confcience dole together, and infinuate themfelves into the thoughts, mind, and judgernent of a (inner. They flrengthen the Tellimony of one another, and greatly prevail. If any are.,:. herwife minded , I leave them to the tryal. If ever God awaken-. their Confciences to- a through performance of their duty ; if ever he ope_u - -th r fouls, and let in the light and power of the Lzre up )n them, they will find it no (-mall work to grapple with them. I am fore, that eventually they prevail Co far, that in the preach- ingof the Gofpel, we have great caufe to fay, L ra!n bath believed our report ? We come with our Report of forgivenli but who it ? by whom is it received ? neither d.,th the light, nor confcience, nor converfationof the moll, allow _us to fuppofe it is embraced. Thirdly, The ingrafted notions that are in t4-.mindsof men, concerning the Nature and Jultice of God, lye againfl this difovery alto. There are in all men by nature indelif.le charaUers of the Holinefs and purity of God ; of his J uflice and hatred of fin, of his invariable Righteoufiiefs in the G.,vernmerït of the world, that they can neither depofe nor lay alide. For notions of Gods, whatever they are, will bear Tway and rule in the heart, when things are put to the tryal. They were in the Heathens of old 9 they abode with them in all their darknefs; as might be man nifefled by innumerable inflances. But fa it is in all men by. nature ; their inward thought is, that God is an Avenger offin r that it belongs to his Rule and Government of the world, hi. Holinefs and Righteoufnefs, to take care, that every fin be pu. ni(hed; This is his judgement which all mien know, as was ob fzrved before, Korn. I: 32. They know, that it is a Righteous thing with God to render tribulation unto f nners. From thenc . is that dread and fear which furprizeth men at an ñpprehenfiotó of the Prefence of God ; or of any thing zsnder him, abav: *hem, that may fcem to come on his errand, This notion of M Gods