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5 Eo E5 20 $5 35 the Epi f le to the Galtians. Chap.2. yet halts at cuery flee. Abrahâ &Sara delre ifhue,that isfrom the fpirit:but they defre ifhue, byAgartheir handmaid, that :is,from the flefh.Rebeccafcekes the blelling forlacob:that is a worke ofthe fpirit: but thee feekes itby lying, that is from the t1efh: Peter cites with the Gentiles, that is from Chriftian li- bertie:heafter fcperates himfelfe,that isfromcorruption.Thus wetee that thebe workes arc imperfe&, &mixed with cor- ruption: and that for the bell workes we muff humble our fclues,and (cake pardon;not in refpeaof the goodnefieof the worke,but in refpc&ofthedefe& thereof. It may bedemanded, how the aete ofPeter fhould be afin, corfidering hedid onely abflaine from certaine meates, that he might auoide theoffenceofccrten Iewes?Án/wer. The fact ofPeter confidered by it felfe ,is not a finne: for Paul did the like inplaying the Iewe:but thecircumaances make it a finne. For firft ofall,Pet=r loth not onely abf'aine frommeates for- biddenby theceremonial! !awe, but alto he withdrawes him- felfe from the companie oftheGentiles,and keepes company apart with the fewer.' Secondly , he abflaines not among the Iewes at IertP"lem,but at Antioch among the Gentiles ,where a little beíore,hehadopenly done thecontrarie, in vfing his Chrithian libertie.Thirdly, he vied this abflinence, when cer- ten Iewes came from Ierufalem,to (earth out the Bettie of the Gentiles. Fourthly, while Peter feekesto auoid the (mall of- fenceofforce Iewes , he incurres a'greater offence of' all the Genii es.Laflty,this aft,: ofPeter, did tend to the ouerthrow- ing ofPaulsMinifterie, and the fupprellingofthe truthof the' Gofpe!. Thus then the as ofPeter becomes vnláwfull,thac was otherwife lawefull , beeing fimply confidered by it felfe Here it maybedemanded,what Peter fhould haue done? "inf. He (hou! haue openly withflood the Iewes , that came from' Ierufalem:asPaul withflood them that urged the circumcifh on ofTitus:Or againe,before he had plaid the Iew, he fhould haue aduertifed theGentiles,thaì fora time he was toyecld to the infirmitie offome Iewes. InPetersexample, we are taught, that we muff not offend God,though all the world be offended. LefTe offences muff giuc place,when thegreat offence isat hand: that is , when god is difhonoured,and thevery leaf' part of his trueth isfuppref- fed. I07