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:10 . CHAP. THE PISTLE OF S. PAbL ro THE GALA7'IANS'e TheArgument. T Wo thingsaregeneraly to be conrdered, the occafronofthis 6- pif}le,and the Scope. The occal7on that mooned Paultowrite this Epilile mss, ('ecaufecertenfad :e-Apelesflaundered him both inrefpefl ofhis cal/ingotsstlfoinreipel7ofhisdotirine;teachingthat he wasno Apoflle,andthat his dotlrine wasf4/è.Andby this means theyfeduced the ChurchesofGalatia,perfwading them that Pattonandfaluationpeaspartly by Chrifi andpartly the Laws. TheScope oftheEpifile is in three things . Fir/1 the Apoft'le defends his calbng in thefir/$and/econd chapters.Secondy, he defends the truth ofhis doïlrine,tcaching isiflificationby Chriflalone. Andvpon this occafon,he handles thegreatef gueflion in theworld, Namely, what is that ?uflicewhereby a,>rnnerRands righteous beforeCod,in the 3.and ,c..and in thebeginning ofthefi ft. Thirdly , heprefcribes rats ofOe'od life in the Ft andlixt chapters. 20 i. Paul an Apo.ftle(notofmen, nor byman, but by Iefus Chrift, and God the father , who raifed him from the dead,) He Epifle bath 3. parts , a Preface, an 4 1,0,sc7ion,arid the í enclufion . Thepre- face-is in the flue fief{ verfes: and it bath 30 ; _ , _. twoparts.,an irfcription,and a Salutatiosr. The infcription lets dowse the per- Ions that write the Epiflle , and theper- rons to whome it is Pent. The perlons that writeare tveo;Paul & the Brethren. 3 Paul is mentioned inthe Etaverle.Tn"which, in comely and decent manner he commendshimfëlfe to the Galatians by his 1 officeand tunaion[anAp®ff le] that is, one called to bea plan- sterand founder of theChurch of the newt Teffamentamong the nations.And be-cattle the title°fanApoltle in general! fig-1 1 nificationmay agree to all teachers: therefore he goes further, r A i and

2 Chap. i. ACotnmentarie vpon offi.uY. Altai 31. and fete downe the cauleofhis Apoftlefnip. And firtl he re- mooues the falfe caufes in thefe words (not ofmen] that is, not called bymen as by Authors ofmy calling,or not called by the au*.horitie ofmen . And in this Paul oppofeth himfelfe to the falfe-apoflles , who were called not byGod, but by rnen.A- gainehe faith [rot byma;vJ that is , not called of God in and by the miniflerieof any metre man. And in this Paul oppofeth himfelfe to al! ordmarie winiflersof the Gofpell tvharfbcuer, who are called of God byman. This done , he propounds the true caufe and author of his Apofile(hipper of whome he was called immediately. Againil this it may be obieeted, that Paul was ordained to be an Aponte by the impolition of h;ds of the Church ofAtttioch . I an1ever, that this impofition was rather a confirmation then a calling. Secondly, they of Anti- och hadnot impofed bands on Paul but that they were corn` - manded by the fpirit of God. Further Paul addes that he was called byChritf [ern l Eiod thefather]for three caufes. The fir ft, was to lignifie thecontent ofwill in the father and Chriff. The fecond was to teach vs hove weare to conceiueof God,name= ly that he is the Fathcr,and° fclu; Chrifi., and the Holy Ghoíh: for the Godheadmaynot be çonceiued out of the trinitie of perfons.The third is,bccaufe the: father is the founraine of all good things that come to vs byChrifl.Laflly he fcts downe the e.f e.61 or aEtion ofthe Father [rhorailedhi,r, from thedeadjand that for two caufes. Onewas to prooue Chrifl to be the natu ral tonne of God,for he profeflè.d himlelfe tobe fo : and that was one caufe why: he was crucified aridput to death . Nowe whenhe was dead,if he hadnot bin the forme of God indeede, he had neuer rifenagaine but had pet-ailed indeath.And in that the father railed him againe to life , he gane tefbmonie that he was his own naturali fonne.And therefore Paul faiththat Chrift mudeclared to be thefonne of God by the refa:rret7ionfrom the deaJ:and heapplies the words of the Pfalme, (thouart myforme thta dayheae I begotten tlee)to the time ofChriffs refurreetion. Againe, Paul mentions the reiterationofChritf, tonote the time of his owne calling,: for though the ratof the Apoflles were called when Chrifl was in the efLate of humiliation,yet Paul was called afterwards,. when Chri(l was entred into his kingdome,and fate at the right hand of hisfather. The vfe.Ftrff,whereas Paul in the veryfore front of his E- 6 pitlte,. S to 26 2 35

the Bpi¡f/etoths..Galatians. Chap. tJ pifflebeginner with his ownecalling,I gather,that euerymini- fIerof the Gofpell ought to haue a good and lawefull calling, I Aman cannot preach eanleffe he beyens. Chrift tookc not unto him the officeof a Mediatour till he wascalled and fent of the 5 Father.Therefore theopinion of theAnabaptill is foolifh and phantafticall,who thinke that eucry man may preach that will without any fpeciali calling . They allcadge that the hcufe of t.cecxó.rS. Stephanasordaine tbemfelues to theMiniftcrie ofthe Slints. An, ' ? « «n. fiver,thcmeaningeftheplace is not that they called thcnjíelues, . o but that they let themielues apart to the miniflerie of the Saints,inthe purpofe and refolution of their ots'ne hearts.A- gaine they allcadge , that all Chritlrans in the newtTeflarnent areKings rind ¶riefis,and the officeofthe prieft is to teach.I an- AP's' fwer,all are priefls in that they are to offerthcmfclues in facri- . ;tt 5 lice toGod:and to teach privatelywithin their places and cal. f lings,as the mailer his feruants, the father his children, &c, and tomake a confefrion of their faith, when they are called fo to doe.Thirdly,thcy allcadgc,that the powerof thekeies is giuen to the Church.I anfwer,it is indeed; yet foas the vie and admi 20 niftration thereof belongs to the Miniflers alone, in the difpé- fation ofthe word. Sccondly,whereas Paul faith (not ofinen bits ofChri.)I ga- ther that euery lasvefull calling is ofGod,and not ofmen as au- thors thereof:and that the Right to call belongs to God. The Math.9.3$. 2 father thrutls forth labourers into the vine yard:theTonne tuts Fph.. .n. gnats Pallorsand teachers:the HolyGboil makes ouerfeers. ?t may be alleadgeci that the Church hath :authoritie to call and or- daineminiilers.. I anfwer, that theChurches authoritie is no more but a míniflerie or feruice , wvherebv it doeth teflific, de 3o clare,andapprooue vvhomeGod bath called. Thirdly,whereas Paul thus proclaimes his calling, (Paulan Apoi/le of!efu (brill)1 gather that the callings oftheMinillers oftheGofpell mutt be nianifeft to their owne confciences, and the confciences of their hearers. And that for diners weightie 35 caufes.Ftrfl,theyare imbafThdours,inflruments,and the mouth 'ofGod : and for this caufe they arc to ipeake in the naiveof God,and this they cannot doe,vnleffc theyknowe thernfelucs tobe called . Secondly, that the calling oftheMinitleric may tend to- edification there is required theafsiflance o!' Gods fpi- 'eit in the teacher, the proteEtion ofhimand bis minifterie, the ----_ A 2, eite- i

4 Chap. i. ACommerotarie vpon effeetuall operationofthe fpirit in the hearts of the hearers. Andhe that wants thealTurance ofhis calling , cannot pray to God in faith for there things;neither can he apply the promires ofGod to himfdfe . Thirdly , the knowledge ofour callings breeds confcience of our duties,diligence, and the (care ofgod. Lafily,knowledge ofour callings in the confciences ofthehea rers,breeds a reuerence in their hearts , and obedience to the miniheric ofthe word.Vpon this, Ionic maydemaund, howe they may knowe that they are called of God to the miniflerie of the word . Anfwer : theymay knowe it, iftheyfinde three things in thetufelues: the fir(} is the teflimonic of their consci- ences that they entred not for praife,honour , lucre, but in the feare of god with a delire to glorifie him , and to edifie the Church. The fecond is a facultie to doe that towhich they haue adelreand will.. n this facultic are two things , knowledge of God and his wales, and aptnctic to deliuer that which they knowe.The third is the Ordination of the Church which ap- prooues and glues teflimonie of theirwill and abilitic. He that hath there things,is certainely called ofGod . Nowe put the cafe,amanwants the firfi of there three,becaufe lie entred with cuill confcience , becing carried with ambitious and couctous defires: theta I anfwer , that his calling Hill in refpcfl of the Churh,is good and lawcfull , andwhen he repents of his bad eonrcience,it is alto accepted ofGod. The fourth point to be obfrrued is , that Paul makes three kinds ofcaihngsiin the Church. One is when men are calledby men,and not byGod:and thusare all falfe teachers called. The fecond is, when men are called of God by the minifferieof :nenahus are ail ordinarieminiflcrs of the word called. The third is,whcn men are called not by men, but by Chrifl imme- diately.And Paul here fignifieth, that hehim(elfe and the reti ofthe Apol les were called according to this third way.And in this rcfpcEt be putsa difference betweene the Apoflles and all the Miniflers ofthe newe Tcflament . For in that they were called immediatcly,theywere allo taught by immediate infpi- ration,and altoaidedby the infallible afsiltance of Gods fpirit. And ofall this they had promifes. Math. i 0.19. 2 o.Luc. rO. i 6. Hence wemay gather , the ccrtenty of our religion. The cf. fentiall noteofthe Church is faith:faith hands in relation to the word ofGod:and theword.of God isnoword untovs, vnlcfTe we. 4 Io ( us z5 3 3s

the Epiflhe to the Ç1 Iatianr, Chap. I. weknowe it to be fo:and we knowe it to be fo , becaufe it was written by the Apollles,who inpreaching and writing could not erre.Sccondly,hence I gather, that the doEtrine of the, A- puflles is the immediate word ofGod,becaufe it was giucn by 5, infpirationboth for matter and words:whereas the doefrine of theChurch in fermons,and the decrees of connects is both the wordofGod and the wordofman.ThewordofGod,as it a- t grecs with thewritings of the Apofiles & Prophets: theword of man,as it is defeetiue,and as it is propounded in tearmes de- xo I ui(ed by man.It may beobicE;:ed , that Paul fpake tome things ofhimfelfe , and not from theLord, r.Cor.; , t2.Not the Lord but I. Anfwer :themeaning is , not the Lord by any cxprefiè commaundemcnt , but I by colleE}ion and interpretation of Scripture,and that by the aflifianceofGods fpirit,v.4o.Sceing ,15 then the writings ofthe Apoflles are the immediate and meere word ofG.od,thcy mull be obeyed as ifthey had beene written without mamby the finger of God. Laflly,feeing it is the propertic of an Apof}le to be called immcdiath' by Iefus Chrtfi,hence it follows,that theauthority, 4O office,and funaion ofApoflles cea(cd with them, anddid not pafTe by fuccelíion to anyother. Therefore it is a falfhood that the Pope ofRome fucccedes Peter in Apoflolicall authoritie, and in the infallible afsiffance of the fpirit, when he is in his confifforle. 25 And wherePaul faith hewas calledby Iefus ChrifI and not by man,thatis.mecreman,hegiuesa pregnant tcflimonie that Chrifi is bothGod andman. Andwhereas Paul was called by Chrifl raifed-from the dead, hence I gather the dignitie oftheApoflle Paul aboue all other 30 Apoflles,in that he was called after the refurrcElion of Chiifi, whenhe was cntred into his kingdome, The 35 2. And all the brethren that are withme to theChurches ofGalatia. The txporrror. Bybrethren we are to vnderffand fuch asfeperatedthcm- felucs from the Pagans,and recciued the faith ofChrif}, r.Cor. S. r r .And heremore fpecially fuchas taught and profoffed the A 3:. faith.

6 Chap. I . e.4Cotnrtoentarie upon faith,that is,both paftors and people,whether ofAntiochc(as dome thinke)or ofRome, as others. And Paul writes his Epill le as well in their namesas in his owne,and with their confent;for two caufes . Onewas,that he rni ht not be thought to dehuerany priti:ate doctrine deuired ofhis owne hcad.And this care he had alwaies : and therefore taught nothing but that which was inthe writings of(viíofcs and the `Propbets,A7.26.22. And this was the care ofChrill :who faith,r.My det7irive is nor mine but his that_lint me.7oh.7. i 6. A rid at this dale , this mutt be the care of the1'vlíniflers of the Go, fpell,to definer nothingof their owne.Firít therefore their do- t-trinesmutt be founded in the writings of the Prophets and Apoflies:and Cecondly,that they may be lure of this, theymull haue the courent of the true Church , fpecially offuck as haue beene the Reflorers of the got-pelt in this lafl age. This rule Pan! giues Timothie,to continue in the things which he bad lear- ned&'Paul and the refl.- oldie Apoflles, 2.Tim.3, t 4. Henceit appeares to be a fault in fundrie private perlons , when they read the Scriptures,to gather private opinions, tobroth them to the world. This praftifehath hectic the foundation ofhe. relies and ichifines in the Church. Secordly,Paul writes with content , that he might the better mooue and perfwade the Galatians to recciue his do&rine which heis nowe to deliuer. Hence it appeares,that the Content of Parlors and people is ofgreat exceilencie. For the better conceiuingofit,and the meaningofthe text , I will handle three points . The firft is, what is the force of content?wherein Elands it ? and where it is nowc to be found?For the firft:Content is of force to prepare the heart,and to mooue it to beleeue : as Augufline faith, Ihad not 6eleeued the Go fell , except the authoritie of the Church had ',noisedmne. And this is all it can doe. For it is the word,that is theobieft and the caufe of our faith:the word it Celfeworkes in vs that faithwhereby it is beleeued.And Paul in this place vfeth .conlent,not toworke a faith inthe Galat3ans,but onely to ftirre vp a likingofhis doftrine.Two errors of the ChurchofRome muff here be auoided. One, that Content is a certaine marke oftheChurch. It is falle : for Content may be among the wic- ked,in the kíngdotne of Antichrifl,Reuel.r 3. t6. In theking- domeof darkencffe,all isin peace.Againe,dt%ration may be a- mong 5 IO Ig 20 25 30 s"5

the EFi%fle to theCalatianr. Chap: T. along thegodly; as betweene Paul and Barnabas , Paul and Peter : in the church of Corinth there were fchifines t. Corn r. I . Confent therefore lmply,vnles it be ioyned with true faith and true doE}rrne, is not offorce to declare vnto vs the true 5 Church. The tecond errour is that the catholike content of belecuers w pointes of-religion is thetrue and liuely fcripture, and that the written word is but a dead letter to it, and tobe iudged by it for his fenfeand meaning . But all is contrary . For the writtenword is the firff,&perfk&t pattern ofthemind x o and kvill of God : and the inward confent in the hartes of nten 'is but rude and imperfea extraft, and draughtof it. The fecond point is wherein ¡brides this content ? it muff bane his foundation in ChrifI,& thence flow to the members, 1 as the o:le from Aart,ns head, to his garments. Pfal. t 3 3. and i5 it Itandes in three things, content in one fa;th and (latrine : confent in offeetion, whereby men be ofonehart. Aa. 2.47. confent in f,eaclr. r.Cor. r. t o. The thirdpoint is where itis now to be found?The Papins fay that they haue true and perfe(l: confent among themfelues,. so and that fathers and Councells be on their fide : and that we haue no confent among our (clues . I anfNer fïrff , that they haue not the cbfent INhrch they pretend, for the proper points of Poperywere not known to theapolles nor tothe Apoflo- licall churches,but were takenvp in the ages following by little 25 and hale. Secondly, Inch dotlrines as thepapifls make articles: offaith, are but opinions and conieEtnres in the fathers and- Connects. Thirdly,the things which the Papifls hold are the fameperaduenture in name,hut they arenot the fame ir.decde with that which the fathers hold , neither are they holden in 3 o the fame manner:as for example the purgatory which the fa- thers hold is a thing far different from the purgatory. of the ',Tiffs, and Io all the refl . Ofconfent they may braggy, but i they.cannot grew it. As for our (clues , we all confent in the foundation ofreligion. There is difference about the defcent 35 ofChriff into-hell. The thingwe all l<old , namely a defeat : the difference is in themanner, whether it be ver tuaily or lo- cally. There i; difference about the paincs of Chrifl in' his a- gong and n-affion : yet all acknowledge the infinite merit and efficacyofthe deathofChriff°. There is difference about the gouernement of the vilible church on earth . For the fub 1 fiance

g ' Chap. Commen orievpon (lance ofgouernement all agree,but for the manner ofexecu- tionandadminiftration, they doc not. That Chrift is prcfent in the Eucharill,& that hisbody and blood is theretobe eaten anddrunken, all our churches agree : and the difference is on- ly touching themanner of his pretence; namely, whether it be fpirituall or locali. And this is the mercy of God that in all our differences the foundationofrehgon is not rated . Let vs pray for the continuance,and incrsafe ofthis content. Thus muchofthe perlons that write:now follow the chur- ches to which the Epiftle is Pent [to the chs rched ofGalati4]. At t o this time theGalatians had made a reuolte, and were fallen from iufbfication by the obedience ofChrifl : fo as Paul was affraidofthem,Chap. ¢. and yet he called them churches fuill vfing great meekenes 8c moderatió.His examplemull wefol- low in giuing iudgement ofchurches ofour time . And that 5 wemay the better doe thisand the better relceuc our confci- ences : marke three rules. The firft is , that we mull rightly confiderofthe faultes ofchurches . Some are faultes in man- ners, Come indolrine. Ifthe faults of the Church be in man- ners, and three faults appeareboth in the huesofminiflers and 20 people,Co long as truc religion is taught, it is a church, & fo to bee!lcemed:and the minillers mull bcheard:Math. 23. r. Yet may we feperate from the privat company ofbad men in the church. i. Cor. 5. t t. and, ifit be in our liberty and choice, ioyne to churches beuer ordered. Ifthe errour be in doctrine, 2 we mutt fitti confider, whether the whole church erre,or Ionic few therein. Iftheerrour heist fame andnot in all, it rcmaines a church {till, as Corinth did, where forne denied the refur- retion, becaufe a church is namedof thebetter part. Second- ly,wemull confider whether the church erre in the foundati- , o, on or no. If the crrour or errours be betide the foundation of rcligion,Paul hath giuen the fentence that they which build vpon thefoundation haie and flubblc oferronious opinion, may be faued. t. Cor. 3. i 5. Thirdly, inquiry mull be made whether the churcherre ofhumane frailtyor ofobflinacie. If 5 it erreoffrailty,though the error bein the foundation, yet it is fbl a church,as appears by the exampleofthe Galatiiis, Yet if achurch fluff erre in the foundation openly, and obftinately, it feperates fromChrft and cealeth to be a church, and we way feperate fret' it &may;iue judgement that it is nochurch. When Wary-

the Epi,Rle to the Galasiana. Chap. r. Whenthe Iewesrefilled the preaching ofPaul , and hadno- thing to fay but to ralle , Paul then feperated the ChurchofE- phefus, and Rome from them, Att.T9.8.& 2,8.28.I4 may here be demaunded,why Paul writes to the Galatians as brethren, and calls them Churchcs.fceingthey haue erred in the founda- tion,and are as he faith, verf. 6. rerrioouedtoanother Gofcl. I an- fwer,he could doe no otherwife . If a private man fhail crre,he mufffirfl be admonifhcd,and then the Church mull be told of it.If he beamnot the Church , then iudgement may be giuen x o that he is a Publican , and notbefore : much more then, if the Church (hall erre, there mullfirfl be anexamination ofthe er- rour,and then fufficieni conviElion : andafter conuielion,fol- lowes the enfure vpon the Church ,-and iudgerrent then may begiuen,and not before. And Paul had Howe onely begun in this Epifile to admonifh the ChurchofGalatia. Great there- fore is therafhnes, andwant ofmoderation in many, that haue beone ofvs,that condemne our Church for no Church , with- out ruffle-tent conuitîion goingbefore. Ifthey fay that we haue beene admonifhcd bybookes pu'blifhed: I -fay amine, there be ^moo proffer faults in Come ofthofe books,thenanyofthe faults that theyreprooue in the Church of-England : and therefore the bookes are not fit to conuir..ce, fpecially a Church. And though Paul call the Galatians Churches ofGod, yet may wenothence gather,that the Church of-Rome is a church 25 ' ofGod.The name it mayhauc;but it doeth in trueth openly,& obflinately oppugne the manifell principles ofChriflian re- ligion. Ifany demaunde what there Churches ofGalatia are?I an- t-veer, that theywere a peopleofAfia the leffe: and though they 30 were famous Churches in the dales ofthe Apofl le,yet now the countrie is wider the dominion of the Turke. This fhewes, j what Godmight haue done to vs in England long agoe for the contempt oftheGofpell.Thisagaine fhewes , what defolation will befall vs vnlel a wç repent and bring forthbetter fruits of 3 the Gofpell. 3. Grace be with you and peace from God the father & fromour Lord Iefus Chriít.

to ( Chap. >:. ,,gComrnentarie vpou 4. VVho Here is laiddowne the fecond part ofthe Prcface,which is the Salutation propounded in the forme ofapraier , Grace and peace,&c. Grace here mentioned is not any gift inman , but 5 grace is Gods,and in God.And it lignifies his gracious fauour and good will,whcrebyLeis well pleafcd with his e1c61,in, and for Chrifi. Thus Paul dillinguifheth the grace of God from thegift that is bygrace , Rom.5.v. z 5. and lets grace before the gift as the caufe ofit. Here comes thecrrour of the Papiíls to io be confuted , which teacheth that the grace,which makes vs gratefull toGod, is the infufed gift of holinefre and charitie: whereas indeed weare not fin i fànbified,and then pleafe god: but fide we pleafe God by grace in Chriíi , and then vpon this we are fanaified and induedwith charitie. t x Peace is agift not in God,but in vs : and it hath three parts. The firfi is peaceofconfcience,which is a quietnefle and tran- quilitieofmindc,arifingofa fenfeand apprehenfion ofrecon- ciliation with God. Rom 5.v. r . The fecond is peace with the creatures:and it hath flue branches. The fi&U is,peace withan- 2e gels,for man is redeemed by Chrilf: andby meanes ofthis re- demption,Gnfull man is reconciled togood Angels, Colofí'. i.zo.The fecond is,peacewith thegodly: whoare all made of one heart dmind,Tfai. t r.9.The third is, peace withour flues: and that is a conformitie ofthe will,affe.`fions, and inclinations ofmans nature to the renewed rninde . The fourth is,peace in Pfat,.tos.,s. refpe&ofour enemies. For the decree of God is, Touchnot wineannointed,anddoe my 7'rephetsno harme. A gaine,. allthings aom.s48. iirne to the goodofthen that loue God. The fife is , peace with the beaflsofthe ficld.God makes a couenant with them for his 30 people.Ofe.2.18.The creatures delire & waite for thedeliue- rance ofGods children,Rom.8.They that ttuft in God (hail walke vpon the Lyonand the Baiiliske.Pfa1.9z. The third part of peace is profperitie and good fuccefÏc: whatfoeuerthe righteous man doth,it profpers. Andall things 35 profpered in the houle of Potipher, when Iofeph was his fie ward,becaufe he feared God,Gen.39. r,2. To proceed,Paul lets downe the caufes of gra ,-e and peace, and they are two,God the father,and Iefus Chrif}.And here it mull be remembred , that the father and Chrif},as they are 25- 026

one God,they arebutone caufc:andyet in regard oftheman- ner of working; they are two diftind caufes . For the father giues grace fromnone but himfelfe, by the fonnc; and Chad procures grace and peace , andhe glues it vnto men from the 5 I father.Furthermore Chrift is defcribed by his propertic, Onr Lord,and by his cffeas in the next verfe. The vfc.Whereas Paul beginnes his praier with grace , we learns that Grace in God is tite fiat caufe and beginning ofall good things in vs.EleRionis ofgrace. Rom. t i. v.;. Vocation to o falnation itofGrace. z.Tim. r .9.Faith is ofgrace. Phil. i . 29. lrs- flification isfreely by grace.Rom.3.14Loue i.r bygrace. 1.1011.4. 9,Euerygoodinclination isofgrace. Phila. 13 . Foerygood worke is ofgrace.Ezech.36.27. Eph.z. io. Life etuerlafììingù ofgrace. Rom.6.2 3. To auoide any mill is the leaftgood ,and cuery gs good is ofGod .It may be faid,that will in man is the caufe and beginning of tome good things. Anfwer:In the creating or im- printing of thefirft grace in theheart,will is no caufe at all,but a ftibicet to rcceiue the grace giuen . Afterthe fiat grace is gi- uen,will is anAgent in the recciuingofthe fecondgracc,and in 20 the doing ofanygoodworke. Yet this mutt be remcmbred, that when will is an a gent , it is no more but an inttrument of grace, and grace in God is properly the fief}, middle, and laft caufe ofgrace invs,andofcuerygood :ale. Hence it followcs, that therebe not any meritorious workes that ferne toprepare 25 men to their iuflification : and that the Cooperation ofmans will with grace in theaae ofconuerfion, wherebywe arecon- uertedofGod,is but afiClion ofthebrameof man. Laftly,this doetrine is,the foundation ofhumilitie : for it teacheth vs to af- cribe all to graceand nothing toour felucs. o Secondly we learne,that the cheife good things to be fought for,are the fauour of God in Chrit , and the peaceof a good confcience.Confider the example ofD Pfal. 73.v.24,z ç.andofPaul , who accounted all things dung for ' grace and peace in Chrift.And the peace ofgood confcience is 1 3;5 as a guard to keepe our heartsand minds in Chrift. Phil.4.7. The fault of moll men is, They fpend their daies and their flrength in feekingriches,honours, pleafures : and theythinke not on grace and peace. After the manner of beafls, they vfe thebleflings of god,but they looke not at the caufe;namely,the graceofGo-d . Ourdutie. Aboue all things to feeke for grace acid i

12 Chap. t. vlCommentarieupon and peace . The reafon: true happineffe,which all men defrre, conlif}s in peace,and is founded in graec : they are Paid to be happie &bleffed that mourne,& fufer perfecution for iuflice fake,Mat.5.becaufe in the middetl oftheir furrows & miferies, theyhaue the fauour ofGod,& the peace of good confcience. Thirdly in that grace& peace are ioyned,we learn,that peace without grace is nopeace.There isno peace to the nicked;faithmy ged,lfai.5y.lall.Thcy which make a couenät withbe! & death arc foonefl dcflroyed.Ifai.28. t 8. Laughter (faith Salotnon)is madnes:namel y,when it is feuered fromgrace and peace. When rarer.faypeace,peace,thencomes des truction, r .Theft. 5. The pro. fperitieofthc men of-thisworld,ends in perdition. read,Pf:7 3. Paul faith not (imply that Grace aridpeace comes fró God, but fromGod the father and from Iefus Chrifl : that hemay teach vs rightly to acknowledge and worfnip God.For God is tobe acknowledged and worfhipped in the father,inChrifl,& in the holy fpirit . It was the fault ofthe Pagans,and it is the faultoffundrieChriflianstoworfhipan abfoluteGod , with- out the father,and without Chtift.Thisfault muff be amended, for it turnes God to an Idol. Againe whenPaul faith , that grace proceeds firfl from the father,and fecondly from Iefus Chrifl:he lets downe the Order whichGodobferueth in thecommunication of & peace. The father is the fountaine ofgrace,and glues it from none but from him(èlfe Chrifl againe is(as it werc)a conduit; or pipe, to conuaic gracefrom the father to vs . Of his fulnefe we receiae graceforgrace. Ioh. r.ln hirer we are complete. CO). 2. Eleiìion, Iuflification,Saluation,and all is done in,and byChrifl.2.Tim. r.9.The vfc.I. Let them that trauell vnder the burdenofa bad . confcience,and a bad life come to Chrifl by turning from their finnes,and bybelecuingin him, and they (hall obtaine grace,& finde refl to their foules. I I.In our miferies,our heartsmay not be troubled ouerrruch,but we mull alwaies moderate our for - rowes.For ifwe beleeue in Chrifl, we (hall alwaies haue grace and peace. Read Ioh. r .. 27.1 I I. We mull moderateour cares for this life.Forifwetruflingin Chrifl,hue grace and peace, we (hail want nothing.rcad P(a1.4.v.6.7. Iefus Chrifl that glues grace and 'peace , is called , Our Lord, for two caufes . One is to teach vs to acknowledge Chrifi a- 1 riglrt,and that is as well to acknowledge him to be our Lord, as 5 ro 15 20 25 30 35

the Epaflle to the Galatians. Chap _ as wel as our Sauiour.He is a Pricfl to procure lifc,a prophet to teach the way of hfe,a Lord to command them to walkcin the way ofltfe.The fault of our times:All men profèf è Chrif}: yct many allowe ofnoChril,but oftheir ownc dcuifing: namely, 5 a Chrifi that muff be a Sauiour to definer them from hell , but not a Lord to commaund them;that they cannot brooke. The fecond caufe why Chrifi is called or'r Lord, is to fignife the perlons to whornc grace and peacebelon? , and they are fuch as acknowledge Chriff for their Lord , and ycild fubieE ion to Io him in heart and iife.They finde refl to their foules , that take Vp the yoke of Chrif} in newe obedience, and the patient bea- ring of the Croffe,Math. i r.v. 29. 4. Who gate himfelfe for our 15 Bittes, that he arli rht deliuer vs out ofthisprefent euill world, according to the will ofUod our father. 5. To whore be glorie for euer and euer ,Amen. In trefewords,the fecond argument is propounded, where- 2,5 by Chrill is ciefcribed,nanrely the ef-}ter of Chrif},which is,tbat he gatehirìi1íefe. And he is (aid to giue hin felfe for two caufes. Firfl , becaufe he prefented himfcl!eas a price and facrif;ce for finne to God the Father , Math.20. 28. Eph. S. 2. 1. Tim. 2.6. The fecond,becaufe he did publikcly propound and let forth 3o himlelle to the world, as a facrifceandpriceofredemption. Ro31.3.25.Ioh.3, 14.afdAfi.4.r z. In this giuint there are flue things to becöfidcred.The fit f}, the gluer, (Thrifl:the fecond, the thing giuen, and that is (Thrill himfelfe.The third is,the ende ofhis Bitting, for finne , that is, 35 that he might make fatisfaìion for our flours . The fourth is, anotherend ofhis (gluing, that he might deliuer vs out of this prefent euil world.Here thepreheat world lignifies the corrupt elate ofnr,ë,that hue according to the lulls oftheirown hearts. r.Ioh.2. r 6.And menare here Paid to bedeliucred &takéout of the world,when they are feu-ered from the condition of¢inn full J. - . I ac 1 20 i3 rr, a...,,,.,e,-,.,a..

14 Chap. r. ACemmenearie vean men by fanEtification,and ncwnes of life, and bydiuineprote- Elion, whereby they arcpreferued frommill after they arc fan- Etificd.Tit.2.14.and Ioh. t 7J 5. And this deliuerance is not in this life in refpcft ofplace , but in refpe 1 ofgHaliaie. The fifth thing,is the caufc that mooned Chrilt to glue himfelfe,and that 5 is the will ofGod. In the 5. verfe there is (et downe a corollarieor conclufion, which containes the praile ofGod. The vfe followes. Whereas Chrifl is the giuer ofhimfelfe, hence it followes that his death and facrifice was voluntaric. 10 And this he (hewed in two things. When he was to be attach- cd hefledde not, but went to a garden in the mount, as his cu- flome was, which was knownc to Iudas, Ioh.i 8.2. And in the very feparation of bodie and foule, he cried with a loud and flrongvoice, which argued that he was Lordofdeath , & died 15 becaufe his will was to die. This mull be remcmbred. For o- therwife his death had not beene a fatisfacìion for finne. In that Chrifi gaue himfelfe to be a facrifice , we learne ma- ny things. Firft , that the worke of redemption cxceedes the worke of creation. For in the creation , atilt gane the crea- 20 Mures to man; in the redemptionhe gane hirrifelfe, and that as a facrifice. Secondly in that he gaue himfelfe, it appeares that he _gaue neither angel, nor meere man, nor any thing out of hire felfe; and that all merits of life,and fatisfaaions for finne,are to be reduced to the perfon of Chrift : and confequec by that 25 there be no humane fatisfaelions for finne , nor meritorious workes donebyvs : becaufe they pertaine not to the perfonof Chrifl , but to our perlons : and they were neuer offered of Chrifl vnto God as merits and fatisfaelions, becaufe he gaue nothing but himfelfe , and the things which appertainedveto 30 his owne perfon. Thirdly, in that Chrifl glues himfelfe, we mull take,and recciuc him with hungeringhearts. Nayhe is to fufer violence ofvs , and the violent are to take him to them- (dues. Laf}ly, in that he giues himfelfe to vs , we againe muff glue our bodies and foulesvnto him in way of thankefulnes, 's 5 and dedicate all that we haueor can doe to the good ofmen. The creatures at our tables prefcnt vs with their bodies : and fo mull we prelent our bodies, andConies to God. The fttfl ende ofthis gluing is, that Chrifl might be a facri- fice,and ranfome for finne. Theknowledgeof this point is of great

the Epißle to the Galatians. Chap. I . \ I y great vie. Firft,it workes loue in vs , on this manner. We muff in minde and meditation come to the croflè of Chrifl. Vpon the croffe we areto behold Chrifl crucified , and in his death and paflìon,his facrifice, in his facrifice for the finncs of his e. y nemies, his endles loue : and the confiderationof this loue will rnooue vs to loue him againe,and the father in him. Secondly, the confiderationof his oldies pai;,es for our fumes in the fa- crifice ofhimfelfe, mull breede in vs a godly farrow for them: for ifhe forrow forthem,much morewe. Thirdly, this know. t o ledge is the true beginningofamendment of life. For if Chrifl gate himfelfe to redeetncvs from iatinuitie , wc2nufl take vp a purpofe of not finning, andHeuer wittingly fume more. Lail- ly, this knowledge is the foundation of comfort in them that truly turne to Chrifi. For the price is paid for their fumes: and 115 they which are eared oftheir finnes are blcf%d,Pfal.32.1. And in temptation , they may boldly oppofé the fatisfacîíon of Chrifl againft hell, death, the law,and the iud2er1tent of God: and ifat any time they finne,they rnutl recouer flier-Or-clues and retrember that they 1.7atie 44 Advocate ziirh the fa. ;her /efai 20 Chrii,2 theist/1.1.1(1,11.'2. I. And whereas Paul faith , that Cis :rfgate hinljelfe for our linnet, he teach(th that eueryman applie this gift and fa crifice ofChrill to himfelfe. This applying, is done by faith : and the right manner of application is this. We muff turne to 25 Chrill , and in turning by faith applie : and whet weapplie Chrill by faith , we muff withall turne. Faith goeth before conuerfìon inorder ofnature, yet in the order oftcaching,and praaife, they are both together. They which vfe to applie Chrifl and his benefits vnto- themfelues, and vet will not turne 30 thernfelucs to Chriff , mifapplie, and prefume : becaufe the right apprehenfionofChriff, is in the excrcifesof inuocation, and repentance. The fecond ende, for which Chrifl gatehitnfelfc, is that he might take vs out ofthis enill world. And hencewe are taught 35 three things. Firfl that we rnufi be grieued and difpleafcd at the wickednes of the world as Lot was, 2.Pet. 2.7e Secondly,. that we mull notfaíhion.our (clues to the wicked hues of the men of this world : but we muff in all thingsproosre what ïs the goodwill, of Godand doe it. Thirdly, feeing we arc taken out of ,, we Inuit not dwellin it, but our dwellingmutt be I. Ytt ,

16 Chap.'. ACommentarievpon in' heauen. Reuel. i 3.6. the beaft out of the fea perfequutes them that dwell inheauen, that is , fuch as dwell on earth and for affection haue their conucrfation in heauen. AndPeeing this mutt be fo,wc muff not lone the world, but loue the cotta- mingof Chrift, andcurry day prepare our felues againft the dayofdeath,that we mayenter intoour owne home. And whereas Paul calls this world an esill world, he Both it to lignifie that there is nothing in menbut finne, till they be regenerate , yea that ciuill vertues, andciuill life, that are excel- lent in the eyes of men, arc no better then finnes before God. It is the terrain- of the Papifls, that men may thinke and doe force thing that is morallygood without grace. The caufe that mooued Chrift to glue himfelfe , is the will ()Mod. Hence it appeares that God glues Chrift to no man for his forefeene faith , or works. For there is no highercaufe of the will of God. The foreknowledge of things that may come to pafl-e, goes before will , but the foreknowledge of things that &hall come to palle , and therefore the foreknow- ledge of faith, and works,followes thewï11 ofGod. Bccaufe things that íhall cometo pafíre arc firft decreed, and then fore- feene.. The will here mentioned, is faid to be the will of God, that is, the firff perfon,thc father : for when Chrift is oppofed to God, then God fignifies the father. Andhe is molt common- ly calledGod , becaufe he is Godwithout communicationof the godhead from any : whereas the Sonne andholy Ghoft are God,by communication of godhead from the father. And this God, is called oar father byPaul. Andhereby he fignifies that the fcopeofthe Gofpel is;firft,topropoundGod vntovs not only as acreator,but as a father: fecódly,to inioyne vs to acknowledgehim to beour father in Chrift : and conic- quently to carrie our felues as dutifull children to him in all fubiefìion and obedience. Theywhichdoe not this,know not the intent ofthe Gofpel: and if theyknow it,in dcede they de. nie it. The conclufion annexed to the falutation (rewhom beglo-' rie for euer) teacheth vs fo oft as weremember theworke of our redemptionby Chrift , fo oft mull we glue praife & thaks toGod: yea all our hues mutt be nothingels but a teflimanic of thankfulnes for our redemption. And all our praife and thankcs' S to 20 2S 30 3S

NNW the 40 l to the GalAtiato. Chap.!. f 17 thankesto God , mull proceede from the ferious,affiCtionof \ the heattfignifiedby thc word,Arnen:that is,fo be it. 6. I maruell that you are fo foone 5 remooued away toanother Gofpell, from him that hath called you in the grace ofChrift. -TO 7. Which is not another Gofpel: but that fome troubleyou , andin, Is tende to ouerthrowe the Gofpell of .Chrift. Here beginnes the fecondpart of theEpifile , in which be glues inn:lie:bon to the Galatians. And it bath two parts: onc 2° concernes dearine,the other manners.Thefirft part touching doarineibeginnes in this fixt verle, and continues to the I 3. verle orthe 5.chapter. The funimc of it is a reproofeofthe Galatians for moltingfrom the Gofpell:and it is difpofecl in this fyllo.gifine. 25 IfI beimmediately ca/ledofGod to teach , andmy dotirine-he trtee,ye ought not to haue reuoltedfrommy doilrine. But Amcalledimmediately ofGod to teach,and my dottrine ii true.ThereforeyeAmid not haue rewiredfrommy dottrine. Thepropofition is not exprefred :hecaufe it was needeleffe. 3° Theminor ishandled:through thewhole Epiftle.TheConclu- fion is in the 6.and 7.verfes,themeaning whereof I will briefe- ly deliuer.Sofoone]that is,prcfently after my departure. ram°. rted]carried awayby theperfvvafions offalfe soother Gorpol.3 toanother doEtrine of faluation , which in the fpeech 35 and opinion of the falle teachers,is another manner ofG°Tel, morefufficient and more excellent, then that which Paul hath debuered.Fronkin)] that is , fromme beeinci, 'anApoffle, who haue called you by preaching theGofpell of Cbria. In the grace] that is, haue called you freely , without any debit of yours,to bepaztakersofthe fauour ofG-od-in GiriPt. which/ is - t C

Chap. i. ACovmetetarie vpon notanetherjwhich pretended Gofpell of the falte Apoflles, is not indeed another gófpell from that ofPaul, bccaufe there is , but one;but it is an inuentionof thebraine ofman. But there le 1 fomejthat is , but I plainely percciue the caule ofyour reuolt, I that tome trouble you , and kekc to ou.erthrowe theGofpell 5 of Chrifl. In there words,.t:vo points areto be confidered. The firfl is, the manner which Paul vfeth in reproouing the Galatians. He 1 tenders their good,and faluation, and leeks by all meanes their recouerie . And therefore in his reproofe he doth two things. ro Firfl,he reproouesthem with meekeneffe, and tendernefIe of: heart,following his owne rule , Gal. 6.i. for he might iuflly haue faid,yemay be afhamed, that ye arc remooued toanother Gofpell,but he faith oncly,I rnarueil,thatis, I was well perfwa- ded ofyou,and I hoped"for better things, but I am deceiued, & 15 I wonder at it.Secondly,he frames hisreproofe with great Wa- rineffc,& circumfpct #ion:for he faithnot,yeofyour telues doe remooue to another Gofpell,but ye are remooued:and thus he blames them but in part, and laies the principali blame on o- thers,Againe,he faith not, ye were remooued , but in the time 20-, prefent,Je are rem©oared, that is,y-eare in the atîc ofReuolting, and hauenot as yet altogither revolted. And hereby he puts them inminde,that although they bein a fault , yet there is no- thing done,whichmaynot eafily bevndonc.According to his example,we are in all Reproofes, to theme loue, and to kcepe 25 loue:to lhewe loue to the partie reprooued , and to frame our reproofe,fo as we may kcepehis loue. The fecondpoint is the fault reprooued, and that is,the Re- uolt of the ûalatians:which was a departure from the calling, j whereby they were called to the graceofChrifi`. Ifit be demâ- 30 ded,what kind of Revolt this was?I anfwer,there be twokinds 1 oFreuolt,particrrlar andge rerall. Particular, whenmen profcflle thename oFCbrifl,and vet depart from the faith,in fome prin- cipal] points thereof. Of this kinde was the Apoflacie of the tenne tribes,andfuck is the Apoflacie of the Romane Church. 3 5 Agerrerall reuolt is , when men wholly forfakc the faith & nameofChrifl . Thus doe the Iewes,andTurkes at this day. Againe,a reuolte is fometime of wcakenefre,and humane frail= tie,and fometimcofobflinacic. Nowe the reuolt ofthe Galati- ans was onely particular in the point ofiuflification , and of weakenes,

the Epifile to the galattans. tt.;I I weakenefre,and not ofobftinacie: and this Paul fignifChes ap w.hcrx i he faith,they were carriedby others. Of this Retie :t, }. things are tobe confidered.Thetitne,foToone; fromwhome,or what? from the dot7rine of Paul, &confcquently the graceofChrift. 5 To what ? to another Gofpell. By meatusof whomc 's buttome troubleyou, -t. Touching the time,it was fhort,They were footle carried a- way.This flames the lightncfre and inconftancieofmans na- turc,fpecialiy inmatter ofreligion. While Nlofes tarried in the o mount,Aaron and the people fee vp a golden calfe,andde- parted from God.Ofea faith, The righteoufrrefre of the Ifrae- lites,was like themorning dcwe,which the rifirng of the funne confumeth,chap.6.4.Ichnwasa burning light,& the Iewes ioyccd in this light:that is well but marke what is added : for e 5 anhoure or moment .Iohn.5. 3 5. They which cried Ofanna to the forme of`David , fhortly after cried, Crucifre him,crucifie hint. The croffe and perfccution,will make men call the Gofpell in queftion,ifnot forfake it.Luk.8. i 3. The multitude ofpeople amongvs are like waxe,and are fit to take the ftampe,and im- :20 prefìonofany religion:and it is the law of the land that makes the moil imbrace the Gofpcll,& not confcience. That wemay conftantly perfeucre in the profeffion ofthe true faith, both in life,and death, firft we muff receiue the Gofpell fmply for it felfe,becaufeit is theGofpell ofChrift , and not for anyother 5 by-refpe(.Secondly,wemuff be mertified,and renewed in the fpirit ofour mindes, and Puffer no by- corners in our hearts, where fecret vnbeicefe, fecret hypocrifie, and fpirituall pride may larke,and liehidfrorn the ties ofmen.Heb.3. r 2.Thirdly, wemutt not onely behearers ofthe word , but alto doers of it 3o in the principali duties to beprathifed,offaith, conuetfion,and newt obedience. To come to the fccond point: when Paul faith,the Galati- ans were remooued fromhim that called them,that is,himfelfe; he (hewnChriftianmodeflie:becatrfe (peaking things praife- 3 5 worthieofhimfelfc,he fpeaks in the third perfora:from, him that hath cal ed,6i-c.The likehe docth,z.Cor.i 2.1knoweamica taken vp intothe thirdheauen:that is,himfelfc.And Iohn faith,tbe dhfdi- ple th st leaned on the 6re4' of(hrifit , whomeChri/I land, asked whome hemeantloh. 3.23.After this praEtife,we arc to glue praifetoGod,andtohisinftrurnents,but neither to praife nor C 2 dtfpraifc 19

20 Chap.t.. fICommentarie vpo:t difpraife our (clues. Thisis.Chriflian ciuilitic tobe ioyned with our faith. Secondly, when he faith, v he bath caslledycn in the grace of Chrifi, we learne, that the (cope of the Gofpel is to bringmen to the graceofChrifl. To this very ende Godhath vouchfa- fedvs in England the Gofpel more then fourtie yeares. And therefore our words, and deedes,and hues, fhould be feafoncd with grace,and fauour of it : and Phew forth the grace ofGod. Secondly , we owe vnto God great thankfulnes, and we can neuer be fufficiently thankcfull for this benefit, that God calls t o vs to his grace. But it is othervaife : the funne is agoodly crea- turc : yet becaufe we fee it daily, not regarded: and fo it is with the grace ofGod. Thirdly , the Galatians arc remooued not onely from the dofhrine ofPaul, but alfo from the-grace ofGod. And the rea- z g fon is , becaufe they ioyned the workesofthe lawwith Chrifl and his grace in the caufe of' their iuflification, and faluation. Here it mull be obferued, that they which make an vnion of grace, and workes, in the caufe of iuflification, arc feparated from the graceof God. Grace admits no partner, or fellow. 20 Grace muff be freely giuen cuery way, or itisno way grace. Hence it followes , that theprefent Church of Rome isdepar- ted from thegrace of God, becaufe it makes a concurrence of grace, and workes,in the iuilification ofa (inner before God : andwe may not make any reconciliation with that Church in 23, religion:becaufe it isbecome anenemie ofthe grace ofGod. The thirdpoint is , Towhat thing the Galatiansreuolt ? to another Go ficl, that is, to a better gofpel, then thatwhich Paul taught,compounded ofChrift and the workes ofthe law.And this forged gofpel the falfe- apoflles taught , and the Galatians 30 quickly receiued. Herewe fee the curious nicenes and dainti- nes of mans nature , that cannot be content with thegood things ofGod,vnlefle they he framed toour minds:and if they pleafevs for a while , they doe notpleafevs long, but wemull haue new things. Our firfl parents not content with their firfl 35 &late, mull needes be as God. Nadab and Abihu offer facri- fice to God, but the fire mull be of their owne appointment. KingAchas will offer facrifice to God, but the altar mull be like the altar at Dana(cus. Falfe-teachers befide the do- &rine of the Apotiles, had profound learning- of their owne..

she Epi!?le to the Ç'alatiant. Chap.1 2Y' owne. The Iewes bcfide the written lawofMofes, muff haue their Cabbala, containing, as they fuppofed, moremyfticall and excellent doectine. ThePapists betide the writtenword,fet vn- written Traditionwhich they make equall with the Scripture. 5 We that profefre the Gofpel,are not altogether free from this fault.We like, that Chrift ihould:bepreached: but fermons are not in common reputation learned, neither doe they greatly pleafe the molt, vnlefre they be garnifhed with skill ofarts, tongues, andvarictie of reading : this curionfnes and difcon. -to . tenement the Lordcondetimes , when he forbids plowingwith the oxe, and the affe, and the wearingofgarments oflinf:.rvolfir. And it is the worít kindof difcontrnent, that is, in things per- taining to faluation. It is called by Paul,the itching of thecare, and it is incident to them that follow their owne lusts. The re- a5; medie ofthis finne,is to learne the first lefron that is to be lean ned of them that are to be good fchollers in the fchoolc of Christ: and that is to feele our pouertie, and in what extreame swede we ftand-ofthe death and paffion ofChrift : and withal! tohunger, & thirll alierChr.ift, asthe bread,aud water of life. 10 Read Ifa. 44.3. 1011.7. 37. Pfal 25. r i . theexample of Dauid, Pfal. 143.6. When the heart andconfciencehath experimenj tally learned thisleffon,and not the braine,and tongue-alone : then fhall men besinne to fauour the things ofGod, and dif- cerne ofthings that differ, and puta difference betwenegrace, 25 and workes,mans word and Gods word, and for theworking oFour ialuation, efteeme of mans workes,and mans word, as offols that are cast to dogges. Paul addes,which in not another Gofpel, that is,though it be an other gospel in the reputation of false teachers,yet indeede it is- 3 o not an other,but is a fubucrfion oftheGofpel ofChrilt. F Iéce 1,11 gather, that-there is.but one Gofpel, one in number and no Imóre, For there is but one way of faluation by Chrilt , vtihere- by all the EIeet are faued, from thebeginningof the world to theende. AFL i 5. t I. t . Corao.3.It may be demanded, how 35. they ofthe old Teflament, could be partakers ofthebodie, 80 blood ofChrift,which then was not. Anlwer. Thebodie,and blood-ofChrift,though then it wasnet fubfifling in theworld, yet was it then prefent toall belccuers, two wales : firfl, by dig ulne acceptation : becaufe God`rlid accept the incarnation and paffionofChrift to come, as ifit had beetle accomplished. Se- C 3' condly, . Deut ins, 2.1121.41*.

22 Chap. It. A Cnsnrvreeatarievpob condly, it wasprefent to them by meanesof their faith, which is fubfiRanccof things that arc not feenc ; and confccluently it makes them prefent to the belecuing heat t. Againe,hcnce it appeares, to be a falfbood, that Euery man may be fàued in his owne religion, fo be it, he hold there is a God, and that he is a rewarder of them that come vnto him. For there is but one Gofpel : and if' the former opinion were true, then fo many opinions; fo many gofpels. Paul faith, that the world by her wifdome could not know God inhis wif- dome , and for this caufc he ordained the preaching of the word to faue men, r . Cor. r . 21. And though he that comes to God muff beleeue that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that come to -him : yet not eucry one that beleeues generally that there is a God,and that he is a rewarder ofthem that come tohim, comes toGod: for this the deuills belecue. The fourth pointais concerning the Authors of this Reuolt: and Paul chargeth them with two crimes.The firft is,that they trouble the Galatians, not onely becaufe they make diuifions, but becaufe they trouble their confciences retied in the gofpel of ChriR . It may be alieadged , that there be fundriegood things which trouble the confcience, as the preaching ofthe law,thc cenfureofexcommunication,the authoritie of the ma- gifirate in compellingRecufants to the congregation.Ianfwer, .theft things indeede trouble the confciences of men , but they are mill confciences : and the ende of this trouble is that they may be reformed, and made good. But the crime wherevs ith the falfe-apolliesare charged,is,thát they trouble the confcien- ces ofthegodly, or thegood confciences of men. Here then is 'fit downe a note, wherebyfalfe,and erroneous dofirincs,may bedifcerned : natncly,that they ferue onely to trouble,and dif- quiet the good confcience. And by this we fee theRomane religion to be corrupt and vnfound : fora greatpart of it tends this way. Iultficationby workes is yoke that none could e- uer beare. Aa. t S. Thevoweof fngie life is as a (hare, or as thenoofc in the halter to firangle the foule. r.Cor. 7.34. So is the dofïrine which teacheth that men after their conuerfion, mull hilt romaine in fufpcnce of their faluation : and that par- I-don of finne, isneceffariiy annexed to conkflìon in thetart,& , tofatisfa1ionfor the temporal! punifhment of firm in' this ,life, or inpurgatory. On S re 5 20 25 30 35