Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

IIo Chap. 2. the Gofpel, I faid to Peter before all men If thoubeeing a Iew liuef as theGentiles, andnot like the Iewes why conftraineft thou theGentiles todoe like the Iewes In there words , Paul fits downe the reproofe ofPeter , and the whole manner ofit.In it,manypointsare tobe confidercd. The firff is, the time of this reproofe : and that was foToone as Paul raw the offenceofPeter. Herewe learne,thatwe muff re- fif},and cut ofthe fitti beginnings oftemptation, offinne,and offuperfhtion , becaufe we are prone to cuill : and therefore if it once let footing in vs, it will take place. The fccond point is, the foundation ofthe reproofe in thcfe wordes [when !faw,] and that is a corten knowledgeof Peters offence. Here we arc to take notice ofthe common fault, and that is, that we vie to cenfure, and condemne men fpccially publikeperfons, vpon fufpitions, and conie&ures, andheare- fay. Whereas we fhould not open ourmouthes to rcprooue, till wehaue certen knowledgeof the fault. Morcoucr,publike perlons, as Magi(frates and Miniffers, haue their priuilcdge, that anaccufation is not to be recciued againfi them , without there be aproofsby two or threewitneffes. I .Tim. 5.2o. Thethird point is,the fault reprooued,which is hereexpref fedby another name , not towalke witha rightfoote to the truth ofthe Gofpel: that is , not toconuerfe with men , and to carrie himfelfc fo , as he may be futablc to the Gnceritie of theGo. fpel, both in word,anddeede. Here is a notable dutie let downe for all men ,Towalke with anmenfooteaccording to the truth ofthe Cofel: and this is done, when inword anddeede , and cuery way , we afcribc all the good wehaue, or can doe, to grace, tomerde , and to Chrifl : when againc, inword, anddeede , andeueryway , we glueall thanks toGod, for grace andmerde byChrili Here twoforts ofinenare to be condemned, as haulters in refpeecofthe truth of the Gape!. The ftti, are Papitfs, who ioyneChrifl and/ workes in thecaul ofour iufbification, and faluation. The fc- cond,' AGbrnmentarie vpon tU I; 20 25 30 37