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the Ep:gle te the Galatians. remoniall law : by his examplebinding the Gentilesto the do- ingofthat which the Gofpcl.hath made free. Thereforegreat is the wickednes of the Remane religion : in that it placeth a neceffitie inmany things, in the viewhereof , Chrift bathpro- cured vs an holy,and Chriffian libertic. In this refpeft::the 5 vowes ofperpetuall continencie, ofpouertie,and regular obe- dience arc falfly tearmedAlto4perfe£liori; andare indeede Oates ofabominattom. 15- Wewhich are Iewes by 1!ßa, Y° turc,and.not finners ofthe Gentiles: 16 Know that a main is not iu-¡ Riled by theworker ofthe law , but S by the faith of lefus Chrift : which (I fay ) haue beleeued in Iefus 20 Chrift,thatwemightbe iuftified,by the faithof Iefus Chrift, andnot by the works ofthe law: becaufeby the 5 workes of the law., nofleíh tha11be Io S: iuff.ified. Here Paul laies downe the fecundreafon:ofhisreproafc: it is framed thus.That,which wedefend, botlrin iudgement,and praftife,that mutt we vrge andnot thecontraric: but.iuflïfica tion by faith without workeswe defend both in iudement, and praetife : therefore we mutt vrge it, andnotthecontraric, namely, the neceffaricobferuationofthe law... The rnaivr is wanting : theminor iscxpreffed in..the g6. v.. and it is amplified by an argument of'things.diners, thus : Though. webe Iewes, towhome the law was given : yet the forfake the law, and looke to be iuflificd by thefaith' ofChrift. Secondly,the,miner is confirmed bya teftimony of-thepraline:' v,r6.hytbeworkes oftheLiw, na fiej7: i/1 ein1i116ed{. Here two points are tobehandled. One, of thedifl iné}ion' óËÍ.