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! Csmmentarie vpen in baptifrne. Laflly , if we be borne holy : -it is our name that we haue made no more proceeding in holines, then we haue done : the moll remaiae ignorant, and vn e.formed ; and they of thebet - tcr fort, either Rand at flay, or goe backward. ç The fecond point is, concerning Iuthfication in rhea6. v.' of which frtndrie things are-there propounded. And 'firfl, I will beginne with the name. The.word, Icß fie, is borrowed from courts ofiud ement, and-fiánifics a judicial! an: Other= whiles it is,putfor the anionof the iudge , and then itfignifics to to abfalue,or to pronounce innocent.Thus Paul ith,An. i ;. I ! 39.71iat and are rssflsfiedfromall thin9s,l-ons which rr- nor be ru11ified 17 the lawof cfrfofes, that is, ábfolued,or dared. A. gàine, he.oppofeth iuflification to accufation, and condemna- ¡tion,Rom.8. 3 3. Now the contrarie to condemnation,isabfo 15 lutio:n. Sometimes againe, the word fignifics the an of the partie iudged, or of the witne1Tes : and then it imports as much,as to glue teflimonie,or todeclare and approoue. Thus Iames faith , Abrahamwas ru¡lifiedlywork , cha p. Z.V. z z. that ¡ is,dcclared, and . approouedtobeamítinanbyworkes.Inthe, zo former lignification is the word rfed , where the holyGhoul' deliucteth,thedoEtrine of iuflification, as in this place. Thevfe. Here we fee how to clrflinlr,uifhbetweene Iufbfi- cation, regeneration, and renouation. Regeneration is vfoaily in fcripture, the changeof the inward man , wherebywe are zs borne anew,Renouation is,the change both of the inwardand outward ìnan,that is,both Ofheart and life. Iuffification,isnei- ther,but a certaine anion inGod applied vntovs,or a certaine refpecî or - relation, whereby we are acquit of our Pinnes, and accented to life euerlafling. Secondly, we mull herenote, that 3 1 the Teachersof theChurch ofRome, miflake the word, lu/li- ¡ fu.ttion. For by it, theyvnderfland nothing elF, but aphylicall sranfmutation of the qualitie,and difpofition of our hearts from euill,tó good. And by this miflaking , they bane made a mixture or rather confution,oflaw and Go- Thirdly-, here 35 we fee , what is tobe the difpofition oldiepartie iu;lified: (for by the confequcnt we may learne the antecedent.) Aman dia- 1 that would be iuftified , mini corne before the iudgement I, feat of God, and there muff he plead guiltie, and be his oWnc ,aduer.faric, condemtatng himfelfe: and becin, pref; ed with the terroirs