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to ( Chap. >:. ,,gComrnentarie vpou 4. VVho Here is laiddowne the fecond part ofthe Prcface,which is the Salutation propounded in the forme ofapraier , Grace and peace,&c. Grace here mentioned is not any gift inman , but 5 grace is Gods,and in God.And it lignifies his gracious fauour and good will,whcrebyLeis well pleafcd with his e1c61,in, and for Chrifi. Thus Paul dillinguifheth the grace of God from thegift that is bygrace , Rom.5.v. z 5. and lets grace before the gift as the caufe ofit. Here comes thecrrour of the Papiíls to io be confuted , which teacheth that the grace,which makes vs gratefull toGod, is the infufed gift of holinefre and charitie: whereas indeed weare not fin i fànbified,and then pleafe god: but fide we pleafe God by grace in Chriíi , and then vpon this we are fanaified and induedwith charitie. t x Peace is agift not in God,but in vs : and it hath three parts. The firfi is peaceofconfcience,which is a quietnefle and tran- quilitieofmindc,arifingofa fenfeand apprehenfion ofrecon- ciliation with God. Rom 5.v. r . The fecond is peace with the creatures:and it hath flue branches. The fi&U is,peace withan- 2e gels,for man is redeemed by Chrilf: andby meanes ofthis re- demption,Gnfull man is reconciled togood Angels, Colofí'. i.zo.The fecond is,peacewith thegodly: whoare all made of one heart dmind,Tfai. t r.9.The third is, peace withour flues: and that is a conformitie ofthe will,affe.`fions, and inclinations ofmans nature to the renewed rninde . The fourth is,peace in Pfat,.tos.,s. refpe&ofour enemies. For the decree of God is, Touchnot wineannointed,anddoe my 7'rephetsno harme. A gaine,. allthings aom.s48. iirne to the goodofthen that loue God. The fife is , peace with the beaflsofthe ficld.God makes a couenant with them for his 30 people.Ofe.2.18.The creatures delire & waite for thedeliue- rance ofGods children,Rom.8.They that ttuft in God (hail walke vpon the Lyonand the Baiiliske.Pfa1.9z. The third part of peace is profperitie and good fuccefÏc: whatfoeuerthe righteous man doth,it profpers. Andall things 35 profpered in the houle of Potipher, when Iofeph was his fie ward,becaufe he feared God,Gen.39. r,2. To proceed,Paul lets downe the caufes of gra ,-e and peace, and they are two,God the father,and Iefus Chrif}.And here it mull be remembred , that the father and Chrif},as they are 25- 026