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the Epiff ie to the G4latians. Chap.2 « 121 be our iuftice?Alf.It is not our suffice in natural! manner: for then it (hould bein vs : but by adivine and fupernaturall man- ner, namely , by GodsAcceptation in that he accounts it ours I euen as truly,as if it were in vs. And becaufe Godaccepts it 1 5 for outs, it is ours indeedc : for his willing andapproouing of] any thing, is the doingof it : and he calls the things that not, as ifthey were. Thus we fee what the ObedienceofChrift is.Andhere two errours mull be avoided. The one is offorne Proteftants,lefhe, i;o dangerous, yet an vntruth ; namely, that we are iu(tified,onely by the PatonofChrift. But if thiswere fo,we Ihould be ïufti. fled without fulfilling the law : for(as Ihaue faid) we owe to God a doubledebt : one by creation, namely, thefulfilling of the la vv in all things,from our fiat beginning : the fecond,fince S the Fall ofAdam, namely , a fatisfaftion for the breachof the law. Now the Paflïon of Chrift , is a paiment of The fecond debt, but not ofthe first ; whereasboth mutt be anfwet ed. For Car/edit he that dash not continue in allthings written in the law, todoe them. The paillon ofChrift procureth deliverance from 20 hcll,but alone by it felfe confidered,it lothnot purchafe a right to eternal! life. Obieci. I. Chrift fulfilled the law for himfelfe : therefore hispaillon alone ferues for our iuflification.Anf.Chtill as man fulfilled the law for himfelfe that he might be inboth natures 25 an holy high Príeft , and fo continue. Neucrthelcs as Media- tour, God and man , he became fubiea to the law : in this re- gard he didnot fulfill the law for himfclfe,neither was heboúd fo to doe. Obiet . H. That which Chrift did , we are not hourd to 30 doe: but Chrifl(fay fome)fulfilled the law for vs : thereforewe are not bound to fulfill the law. Ant; That which Chiadid, we are not bound to doe, for the fameende , and inThe fame manner. Now he fulfilled the law in wayofredemption ,and fatisfaesion for vs : and fo doenot we fulfill the law, but onely 35 in way of thankfulnes, for our redemption. ObieEl.III. The law Both exalt both obedience, and the penaltie alto. Anfirt the eftate ofisanocencie the law threatned the penaltie, and it onely exaéted obedience. Since the fall, it exaaethboth obedience,and thepunifhment. The threatning `ofthelaw,exaets the punifharnent;thepreceptsex.a!t obediêce. Obiert^, I