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the Epijlle to the Gslatiant. Chap.2. 123 obedience out ofour felues, we are taught, vuerly todenï;, of°r felues, and to goe out ofour felues, as hauingnothing in s wherebywe may be faued. Here is the foundation of the ab- negation ofour flues. Secondly,the obedienceofChrrif müfß 5 be untovs the foundation ofour obedience : for he perforated all raghteoufnes for vs, that wemight be feruants not of fnne, but feruants ofrighteoufnes in all duties ofobedience. And in his obedience wemull not onelyrefpe1 the merit thereof, but Lalfo his holyexample in Ioue, mercie, meeleenes, patience,&c. to and after it,are we to faflìionour hues. Thirdly, the obedience ofChrifl rnufl be the foundation°fourcomfort. Inall dun - gers,and temptations,we that beleeueare to oppofethe obedi- ence of Chrift again(t the fierce wrath of God , againfl hell, deatb,and condemnation.Certcnbeaíls, when they arepurfu- 5 ed , flie the next way to their deanes, where they hold them' felues,euen to death. Chrif in refpeet of his obedience, is our hiding place, Rom. 3. z6. he is let forth unto the world as 4 `Propiti4rtorie. For as the Propitiarorie couered the Arks , and the decaloÿrre, fo lac couereth our finites, and he hides our be, zo dies, & fouies , from the furious indignation, and vengeance of God. Let vstherefore by ourfaith, flie to this our hiding place in the forme and temper ofGodswrath: and let vs there_ hue and die . Fourthly , this Obedience is the foundation of our happines. For true happines is,to be eared of our finnes, P ál. 25 3 2.I . and this cafe we haue fromChrift,Math, I z . 2 8. Lafily, the con(idcration of this obedience , is the foundation of our thankilìlnes to Cod. For ifwe beleeue thatChrif't fuffered,and fulfilled the law for vs, we are work thenbeafls, if wedoe not euery way (hew our felues thankful! for this mercie. `o The fifth point to be confidered , is themeanes of iuflifica- tion,namely,the.Faith of Chetfr. Ofwhich I confider 3. things. The firil , what fait, is. The Papifsdefine iufhifying faith to be a gift ofGod, wherebywe beleeue the articles of fai:h to be true, and the whole word of God. But thit `aitl4 , the deuil 5 haste. Here they allcacige, that Abraham was the father of all taë faithful!, and that his faith was nothingels but a petfwa(i- :,,óx+, t,lrat he was able to glue him a child in his old e (ec. f1rf. tFir{l, theobieft ofAbrahams faith was double :one leffe-prin- icipall, that he fhould haue ifhew in his old age : the lecond,j more principali , that the Mefrias his.Redeemer flhoulddef.( 0,2 ccrhd