Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

-_------------ s 26 Chap. 2. 14 Commentarie vpoa fpeciallygïuen and felt in the timeofgreat danger andafAial- oh. For When by reafon of mifsrie and trouble, we know not to pray as we ought , then the fpirit rn4es repelfor vsirith gr®ítne.t that cannot be vtterec Roar. 8. 26. And in affliOions, Pail faith , the lone of G'o úfbedde abroad in our hearts, Now then , if God giug to them that turne veto him a teftimonie that they are the childrenof God : they for their parts , areby fpeciall faith to beleeue it. The thirdground is this. A fpeciall faith may begathered , partly vpon things generally reuealed in the wordof God , andpartlyvpon fenk , obferuation, and ra experience :the 'fame things 'acting rcucaled generally in the word, and particularly byexperience Vpon Ibis ground may we truly conclude theforgiuenes'of our finnes, s.c -the faluation i ofour faules , on this manner : He which beleeueth, bath the forgiuenes ofhis fumes: but I beleeue in Chrif}(Caith he sal ieh rs 'beleeueth:) thereforen-,yfìnnes are forgiuenme. Themaior or firfi part, is exprcffed in theWord; theminor or fecòndpart is found true by experience, and by the teffimonie of theconfci ence, which is a certenTeftimoníe.For Paul faith,Thisi,, my re- ioyring, the teßimonieofsyconfcience .z.Cor.r. r z. And thecon- Zo elution, is theconclulion of fpeciall faith. 1f this be not a good and fufficicnt ground , .there is almofi no fpeciall faith in the world. La(Ily,weare to confiderthe degreesofApprehenfion,and they are two : there is a veake, apprebenfton, and there is affrang 25 apprehenfron, as there is a weake and a thong faith. The weake faith, and apprehenfion'is, whenweendeauour to apprehend. This endcauour is whenwe bewaile ourvnbeleefe, f}riue gainfi our manifold doubtings , will to beleeue with anhoneff heart, delire to be reconciled to God , and conf}antiy vfè the 30 good meanes to beleéue. For God accepts the will to beleeue for faith it Idle , and the will to repent for repentance. The reafon hereof is plaine..Euery fupernaturali act prefr ppofeth a fupernaturall poweror gift: and therefore thewill to beleeue and repent, prefiuppofeth the power and gift of faith, and re- 35 pentance in the heart. It may obie 1ed,that in the ruindes of them that beleeue in this manner,doubtingsof Gods merciea 'bound. Ant. Thoughdoubtings abound neuer fo,}'et are they not of thenatureoffaith, but are contrarie to it. Secondly , we. mutt put difrfercncebetween true apprehenfion,& ffrong ap- pro.