Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

t 28 Chap.2. cACommentarievpon Thevfe. If that be the right faith , which apprehends and applies Chrift untovs , then is it a poore and mitèrable faithof thePapité , to be baptized,andwithall-to.beleeue as thc church doth, when it is not knowne what the Church beieeues. Ofthe famekind is the faith ()Stile multitude.amag vs,whofe faith is their goodmeaning, that is their fidclitie, and truth in S their dealings. Latily, if that be faith which truly apprehends Chrifi, there is little true faith in there left daics. For though thc merit of Chritt be apprehended by faith , yet is not the cificacie of his death : and that appeares by the bad and unreformed hues of to them that profefie theGofeel. Indeede , many fay they haue and euer had, a ftrongperfwai onof Gods tnercic : butin the molt ofthem it is but a throng itnagination : for their faith was conceiued without the word, praier, facraments : and it is fe- uered fromGood life. We are then all ofvs carefully to feeke for this true and huel-y faith, And the rather , becaufe faith and repentance, are poflible toall that by grace doe will it. Nay, theywhich will to belecueand repent,hauebegunne to beleeue and repent : God accepting the will for the deede.Luk. t 1.13. ac And hauing attained to a meafure of true faith,wemuff goe on and feeke to iuffifieour felues : butyet (as S.Iames teacheth,c. 2.) iuftifie our faith by goodworkes : and then (hall our faith bea meanes toiuflifie vs,in life and death. The fecond point tobe confidered concerning faith , is the .25 mannerhow it tuflifieth. The Papifls teach, that it iufhtfieth., becaufe it ftirreth vp good motions andgoodaffalions in the heart, whereby it preparethand difpofeth man,that he may be fit to receiue his iutlification: againe, becaufe it beeinganex- cellent vertue tneriteth that God (hould iuflific. But this is falle which they fay. For if faith iuftifieth by difpofing the heart, theti theretruth be a (pace oftime hetweene iufl.tfication and iuftifying faith : but there is no (pace of time betweene them. For fo foone as aman beleeues , he is prefently iuflified. Forentry beleeuer bath thepromifeof remifíion of finnes and ¡life euerlafting. Againe , in the cafe of iuflification,Paul oppo l!feth beleeuing anddoing : faith, andworkes of the law : faith therefore doth not iuftifieas aworke,or as an excellent vertue, 1 bringing forthmany diuine and gratious operations invs.Nay i theprnper aEfionof faith, which isAppreben(kn, Both not iu- ftifie