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144 i Chap. z. t.4Commentarie apart art crucified withChrift. Againe, here weare to takenoticeofthe falfe faithof many men. Theycan becontent to belccuethat Chrifl was crucified for them : but there they make a paufe: for they doe not be- lecue that theyarc crucified with Chrif I. Their faith therefore is but halte a faith : and their profellion is according. For they 5 haue the forme of godhnes without the power thereof. They thinke that they betreue the Articles offaitharight : but they are deceiued. For to belceue in Chrif} crucified , is not onely tobelccue that he was crucified, but alto to belccue that 1 ana r crucified with him. And this is to know Chrifl crucified. Laflly, here we arc to confider the abomination of the Churchof Rome. For it moil abufeth that,which is the grea- teft trcafure in the world , namely, Chriff crucified. For they make avery Idol of him , in that they worfhiphim in , at , and before painted , and earned Crucifixes. For there is no fuch S Chrif} inhealer] or inearth,that wil be prefent when we pray, andheare vsat Crucifixes. Againe,theyglueLuria , G' ho- nour, todeuifed and framed crucifixes : and thus they ro-bbc Chrif} ofhis honour. 10 Thus muchofour Communion withChrifi in his paulìon: now followcs the fecundpart ofpreparation,namely, Abnega- tion. ? Iiue, yet not 1 anymore: that is, I hue a fpirituall life, yet notas I as anatural! man. For in thatregard,! carrie my felfe as a man crucified, or after the manner ofa deadman , fuffering nothing that is in me by nature,to raigne inme , that Chrifl a- lone may hue and raigne inme. Here is a notable dutie tobe learned we beeing crucified with Chrili , mull carrie our feluesas men crucified : and-that in three rcfpc ls. Full , in .., e- fpeft of corruptionof fînncfull nature. For in regard of our 30 finnes, we are toef}eeme our felues vnworthieofmeat, drirke, ficepe,breathing : yea we areto eflcerneour (clues to be as vile asany ofthecreatures vpon earth : andwe are to denievngod- lines, and worldly lufts , not fufferingany ofthem to raigneo- tier vs. Secondly , we mull carrieour feluesas dead men,in re- 35 (pea ofthegood things that belong to nature, as honours, ri- ches, pleafures, friends : all which in refpeaofpreparation of minde,we muttdaily forfake for Chrifts fake,not fuffering any ofthem to take place inour hearts. Lathy , we mutt be as dead men in refpeet ofour ownereafen andwill, andwe muhiread them