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146 Chap.2. "Ft ACommentarievpon grace confideringno diflance of-placecan hinder she laeeing ofthefpirit ofChri4My's. The third point is, that after this Mon with Chrift Jae mull further communicate hinafelfi vnto vs, beforewe canhue by hinvandhe in vs. To this p f s urpo S. Iohn faith,that 6'04 harbsimenv.r :that:hid lsfii in thetonne: that be Fhicb,hat tbeformebath lift. x Job. g i 2. For the con.' ceitringof this truth, two qucflions may be demanded.One,in what order Chrift giues himfelfevnto vs ? Anf. Chrifl fiat of glues hisReal andblood, that isliiinfelfe: and then fecond, ly, his gifts , namely the efficacie , and merit of hisdeath. The to inftitutionof theLords Supper fheweth , that we are 'Mg partakers of thebenefitsofChrift,voleffe Lift ofall Chrift hirnfelfe be giuen vnto vs.-Thefecond queflionis,how Chrift can be raid t©hue invs ? 4Hc is not in vs inrefpat of local! Iprefence, but by the fuperria*Irall,and fpcciall operation of his t5 fpirit. T; Cor. 6.17. Theoperationof the fpirit , is threefold. The filft is , when God imputes the righteoufnes ofChrift to them-that beleeue , and witliall glues the Right ofeternall and the Earneft ofthis right,namcly,the firft fruitsofthe fpirit. Hereupon inftification is called the /unification othfe, Rom. 5. 20 The fecond is , Vinificationby the vertue of the refurreetion of Chrift. Phil.3.1o. And this venue is the powerofthe God- headofChrifl , or thepowerofthe fpirit, rearing vs to newnes oflife, as it railed Chrift from the death of finne. Andby this power, Chrift is laid to hue in them that belecue. The third is, 25 the Refurreetion ofthe dead bodie tocuerlafling glorie, in the dayofiudgement.Rom, 8.1 s. Thus then the meaningofthe words is euident : that Chat as a roote,orheacl,hues in them that are vnitcd to him, and that by the operation ofhis fpirit , caufing them to die vnto their 30 finnes , and to hue vntoGod. And againe , it mutt be remem- bred , that Paul fpeakes this not privatelyof himfelfe, but ge- nerally in the name of all beleeueis. For he faith, 2. Cor. 13.5. Knowye not that Ghrìt inyon , except ye be seprobatet ? The vfc. Hence it followes , that theywhich arc true belec- ;.5 tiers, cannot make a pralift of finne : and againe ,that they finne not with the full confent for twingeof their wills. Be- caufe,Chrift hues in them,and refiraines thewill in part.When 1.101%4.9. \ they finne thcrefore,thcy finite not ofmalice,but.ot ignorance, \ or infirmitic. Secondly,