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the Epifile to the ÿ'alatiart. Chap.i. flingGod no further then they feehim. For, if a manwhome we fee and know, make a promife to vs,we arc comforted : yet ifGod, who is inuifible make in his word farre better prorni- fes(ashe doth,) we are not in like fort comforted. Agame , we 5 put too muchconfidence in meanes. Ifwe hauegoodcallings, houfe,land,liuing,wecan then truft in God: but when meanes of comfort faile , we are confounded inour (dues , as Willem were no God. We arc like the vfurcr , who will not trufl the man , but his pawne : men fowe truf1 not Godvponhis bare IO word , withouta pawne. Ifhe come to vs with a full hand,and with the pawneofhis good gifts , and bleflìngs, wemill him; els not. Agains , they arc tobeblamed , that hue onelyby the gui- dance ofreafon. For many difpute thus : I dealt truly and iufl- I5 lywith all men,andhue peaceably withmyneighbours: there- fore God will haue me excufed. But there mull be a better guide to cuerlafling life ; namely , faith in Chrifc : cis (hall we milli ofour marke. Thirdly , they deceiue themfelues, that thinke they may o line as they lift : and call vponGod when they are dying, and fo die by faith. It is well iftheycan dieby faith : but that they may fo die, they mull hue by faith. Lallly,they are to be blamcd,that (Pend their daies in world- ly cares , fo as no good thing can take place. This is the hie 25 of infidels. And where true faith raignes, it cuts off themulti- tude ofcares, and makes vs call them onGod. Moreouer,herewe feewhat we are to doe inperilous- times, as in the time of plague, famine, fword , when prefent death is beforeour eyes:we mnfl then hue by faith.Whcn Noeh heard 3o of the flood, he prepared Inch meanes as faith would affoard for thefaringofhimleife, and his familic. Abraham, Ifaac, Ia- cob, by faith lined as pilgrimes in a [range land , anrf were content. Mofes left Pharaos court, andfeared not the wrath cf thekinrg: becatafe hyfait'helazyhim thatrek irtdiIi6le,Hcbr. i i. i zy. Dauid in the feareof prefent death,comfartedhimfedfe inthe 35 Lordhie Cod, r.Satr. 3o.6. When icholaphat knew not what in theworld to doe, he lift vp the eyes ofhis faith:t'®othe:'Lord. 2.Chron.2o.1 2. Chrifl in his agonie and pafllon ofthecrotfe, by faith commended his foule into thehands of his father. Of the Saints of the 'New Teffamen2, fome were racked:forne were