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the Epifile to thegalatiant. Chap.2. in Chrift.The watersofthe Sari `tuarie haue long flowed unto vs : but they hauenot ívectned vs, and made vs faucric: there- fore it is to be feared loft our habitationsbeat length turned II to places ofnettles and faltpits. Eze.7.r x. 5 2,1 I doe not abrogate the brace ofGod: for ifrighteouifnes beby the law, then. Chrift diedwithout caute, Fa Themeaning. Grace in Scriptures fignifieth two things:the free fauour of God ; and thegifts of God in vs. Andwhere the holy G}loft intreates ofiuitification,gracc in the frft fenfc, frgnifies thegood will, and fauour of God, pardoningfin:res, r 5 andaccepting vs to life cuerlaf }ing, for the merit ofChrift. 2. Tim. 1.9. Eph. 2. 8. And in this fink is the word vied in this place. And when Paul faith, Idoe not abrogate thegrace ofgod; his meaning is, I doe not make void , or fruf'rrate the graceof Cod in rcfpcf} ofmy felfe, or in refpefh ofother belecuers, by zo teaching the iullification of a firmer by faith alone. He addes, Ifrsghteoufnesbe by the 1. w ; that is,ifa firmer be iuflificd by his owne obedience,in performing the law,thenChrifl diedwith- outtaufe. The worddbfily,freely, tranflatedwithout caufe,hath a double fignification.One is,when it lignifies as much as with- t 5 out price, or merit.Math.' o.8.rebane recesuedfreely, giuefreely. The fecund is , when it fignifies raíhly, without iuff,orfificient aufe : as Pfal.69.4. Aisneenemies haterefreely,(as the Scuentie trantlatc)that is,wrongfully,or without iuft caufe.Thus here is Chrift laid todiefreely, that is, in vaine, or without caufe : be- 3o caufe ifwebe iuflificd by obedience to the law, thenChrift di- ed in vainc , to make any fatisfaaion to the lawfor vs. There words are an anfwer to an obieftion. Theobieflion is this s If thou teach that a fintier is iutlified onely byhis faith in Chrift, then thou abolifhefl the grace of God. The anfwer 3`5 is negatiue. I doe not by this dofbrine abrogate the grace of God. And there isa reafon alto ofthisanfwer: Ifwe be iuflifi- ed by our owne fulfillingof the law , then Chrift died in vaine to fulfill the law for vs. Thevie. Firf}, let vs marke thatPaul faith , he loth not abro- gate thegraceof God: andwhy ? beeaule hewill fuffer nothing V x in r5'3