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Chap.3. cilCommsntarie arpon his example ; three qucilions maybedemanded. The firft is, In what refpeft he gines this hard judgement again(: :hem? Anf Three things are fubieEled to Iudgetrtent , the dofirincs ofmen , the lines ofmen , and the perfons ofmen. DoEtrines arc to be judged by the word , and the hues ofmen: vct ordì- 5 narily, the perfons-ofmen are not to be iudged. For the laying ¡ is true , that three things arenotfubiell to judgement: the Cotsn," l: ofGod, theScriptures, and the perfonsof men. And in this place Paulglues judgement, not againfl the Galatians themfelucs,or against their perlons, but againfl their new conceiueddohrin, i ro and againfl their praEEife in Reuolting. The fccond queflion is, whethe. this judgement be righte ous and,true iudgement ? A/. It is : becaufe it is vpon pod ground. For firtt of all , Paul glues this cenfure, byvertue of his calling: becaufe his office was to rcprooue and corrcet tS vice. Tit. t.9. and s. t 5. Secondly, it was in truth. For indcede they ouerturned the pallionof Chriíl : and therefore he could not call them lef&e then foole.r. Thirdly, this judgement was gi- ucn in loue. For Paul intended, and defired nothing in this fpeach, but their good and amendment. Vpon like grounds 31 Ifai calls theIfrae!ltes, people of Sodo,seand Consorrha,_ Ifa. i. Chris} calls. the twodifeiples,foolih,and fore ofheart to beleetie, Luk. 14. 2 5. Paul calls the Cretians ¡yenandflow bellies,T it. t. r z. But Match. 5. 22. may be obief}ed , where he is laid to be indanger ofa Councill , that faith, Thou foole. Anf. The place zS is to be vnderPood ofthem that chargemenwith Ulm, with a mind to reproch them, and in way of reucnge :_which, Paulin this placedoth not: The third queflion is, whetherwe may vfe like judgement againfl men ? /in/. Vpon like grounds wemay , if wehaue a 30 warrant, and calling fromGod to to doe. For all iudgement is Gods Rom, r4.1o. if this judgement bein truth :ié it be incha- ritie,for theamendment ofthe parties , and for the good ofo- ' thers. Oiherwife , if thele grounds fare vs-, we may not ;sue judgement againfílany man,but mull follow the iudgcment of 3.5 e.haritie which thinks no euill,hopes the befl,and conflrues all things in the belt part. t.Cor. r 3. 'To.comr to-the fccond caufe,Paul faith, Who bathbe;-ritthcd you ?that is,wha bath deceiuedyou, as ifye were bewitched by J Come inchatitments. Here Paul takes it for a, confiffec truth,. that