Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

iGo I Chap. 3. AComrhentarie vpan expreficd , is the hgne thereof, in therewords , tomhome lefiu (,'hri( mudefcri6ed, j c. thatis, to whome I huepreached the do'rineoffaluation by Chriff , in lively and euident manner, Coen asifChrifl had bin painted before your eyes,and hadbin crucified, in,or among you. And this is a tranifeft token that the Galatians were deluded , becaufc they could not acknow- S ledge the truth , whdit was (et forth vnto them,(asit were)in o- rient càlours. And where Paul faith , that Chriff tray before de. fcribed, Ireferre it to the time before their reuolt. Here firfl, we are to obferue, the properties ofthe Minilit to rieoftheword. The frfl , that it mull beplaine, perfpicuous, and euident , as if thedo£trine wereplanted; and painted out before theeyes ofinen.Therefore the ChurchofRome deales wickedly, in keeping the Scriptures in an vnknowne tongue. For this is to couer that from the people , which is to be pain 15' ttdbefore theeyes oftheir minds.Againe,that kindofpreach- ing is tobe blamed, in which there is vfed,a mixed kindof va- rietieoflanguages , before the vnlearncd. For this is a figne to vnbèleeucrs. r .Cor. r 4.2 2. And in this kindofpreachingwe doenotpaint Chriff ,,but wepaint out our owns felues. It is a 20 by-word among vs: It mu a very plainefcrmon. AndI fay a- gaine, the plainer, the better. The fccond propertie oftheMiniticrieofthe word,is,that itmutt bepowerfull and liucly inoperation,and as it were crû cifying Chriff within vs, and caufingvs to feele the vertue of 25.' his paffion. The word preached mull pearceinto theheart, likea two edged fword, Hebr. 4. t 2. trueprophetic iudgeth men , difcouereth thethings of the heart , andcaufethmen to to fay, The Lord is withinyou, r. Cor. 14.25. The fcepter of Chriff wherebyhe lmiteth the nations, is in hismouth, Ifa. r is 36 4. that is,in the Minifierieof theword. Ier. z 5.19. And it is the; fame Miniflerie,which fhaketh heaucn and earth.Agg.2. S.tty! this itappeaeeth,that to take a text,and to makeadifcourfe vp -i on fomething in the laid text, flhewing much inuentiob ofwit, and much reading, and humane learning , is not to preach 35 Chriff in a liuclymanner. It will be Paid : what then ? I anfwer with Paul , who is fricient titherfor the (peaking or doing of thefe things ? yet fornething maybe (hewed. Know therefore that the effeetuall and powerful preachingof the word, (lands in three things. The fi<rft is , true and proper interpretation o the;