Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

ti 6z (Ci-iap.3. .zgCommss+tgriewpm offered. Yet for this damnable oblatiorrmany (land : and thee reafon is ; becaufc they are bewitched,and inchanted withpre. tended (hewcs of Fathers, Councells, Anticluitie, Succeffion, &c. Laflly, herewe ¡carne, what is the dutieofall belecuers;. namely, to beholdChrifl crucified. Cant. 3. r e . O daughters of Sion, beholdyour ,t in . But wheremuff webehold him ? Not in Roodes,andCrucifixes, after thePopifh manner; but we muff Tooke on him , as hepropounds hirnfclfe untovs in theword, and facraments. For thus is he the true oleic& ofour faith.And howmull we behold him?by theeye of faith,whichmakes vs both fee him, & fidehim, (as it were) crucified in vs. Here note, that implicit faith,(which is tobeleeueas theChurch be- leeues,) is a blindfaith.: for by it we cannot contemplate and behold Chrift. And the common fault is here to be noted, whereby men angle& and paffe by this contemplation of Chrift. There is amongvs the mill eye that deuoureth all it teeth : there is the adulterous eye : but where is the eye of faith tobeholdChrill?where is the force ofthis eye tobe feêe which maketh the thing which it beholdeth to beours,and vs like vn- to it ? We loue to tricke and paint our bodies , and force to fet finecomplexions on their faccs(and therefore complexionsat this day arc made a kind of marchandife) but away with firth vanities. Ifye loue tobe painted : Iwill tell you what ye thail doc. Theoffice ofthe Miniflers is to defcrihe, and paint out Chrifi veto vs : let thempaint Chrift crucified in the heart,and fet vp his image there , and then (halt thou hauea fauourable complexion in the eyeboth ofGod, andman. That this contemplationof Chrifl by faith , may take more place, and be the better praifcd , confider the vie of it. Firfl, by beholdingChi lit crucified, we Ice our rniferie and wicked. nes. For our finnes are the fwords , and fpeares which haue crucifiedhim.Zach. :2. 1o. Secondly, thisfight bringsvs true and liuely comfort : for beholdin Chrift crucified,we fee Pa- radife as it were in the midfl of bell : we fee the handwriting a ÿainfl vs, cancelled, Coloff. 2. 14. we lee the ranifilm of our finnes, written with the heart bloodofChrill , and felledwith the fame. Thirdly, this fight of Chrift makes a yniuerfall chaunge of vs. The Camelion takes to it.thecolours of the things which it (cab, and are neezevntoit : and thebefalling hears. s t¢ ry 20 25 3° 33