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the Epijile totheGalatians. y the fpirit of prim ? then thoupraieft indeede. Ifthou canft approoue thyheartvino God for anyaft ofreligion, then is it done indeedc, eh not. Remember this. Furthermore, Paul here teacheth that our after proceedings - 5 in religion , muff be anfwerable to our firft beginnings in the fpirit. And hence wemay be aduertifed ofmany things. Firft, herewe muff takenoticeofthc follieof Popifh religion. For it beginnes in Gods mercie, and the merit of Chrift : and Acids inour merits and fatisfaEtions. Secondly , we muff take notice so of thecommon finneof our times. For in the praEtife ofour religionwe are dccciued. We arc not now that which wehaue bin twentieor thirtie yearesagoe.For nowwe fee theworld a- boundswithAtheifts,Epicures ,libertines,worldlings,newters, thatareofno religion : and fundrie thathaue heretoforeChew- 15 ed fame forwardnes , beginne to faulter , andflagger , and to lookeanother way. This isnot tobegin and ende in the fpirit: but to end intheflefh. We are betime to amend this fault, lcaft if our former zeale be turned toprefent lukcwarmes, God in in his anger fpue vs out. 20 Yong men muff here lie aduertifed as they grow inyeares and feature, fo to grow vp ingood things , that both the fiat beginning,andthe afterproceedings may be in the fpirit.Thus did Chrift increafe in grace,as he increafcd in Feature. Lafily, aged perfons that haue begunne in the fpirit, mull 15 looke that they grow vp in thegraces of the fpirit more then others,that they may end in the fpirit. It is laid of the angel of Thiatira, thathù hue ,/eru ce, andworkkes, were none at tie ¿if, then At thefrrft,Reu. 2.19. the fame fhouldbe (aide ofall aged perlons. Theywhich art planted in the bottle of God, bring 30 forthfrtvit in their old age. Pfal.91. 16. ltis the commendation ofthe old man, that byreafon of his manifold experience , he knowes the father more then others.t .Ioh.2. t4.Itis the praise IofAnna, that (lacecontinually fettledGod in fatting and pral- er bering 80. yeares old. When the outward man decaics , the o'y haward man lhould be renewed. I fpeake all this the rather, becaufe aged perfons are much wanting in this dutie. For none commonly are fo ignorant in the things of God as they : they ¡begin in the fpirit, but the of eetions of their heat is vfuáliy end in the loue of this prefent world. But they mull be warned, that as they ;ve bcfare_o.thers in age, fo muf} they allocxrcccie a in Chap.3 . / 167