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174 Chap .3. ACommentariespit it oing, to be our wheile and intire iuftice'before God : whereas indcedc ifit be iuftice, it is but onepart thereof. And in the at ofbeleeuing, loue cannotbe included. Thirdly, faith ioynedwithcharitie, is not theiuflice:where -I by a firmer is iuftificd. For ourfaith and louc are both imper.' felt: and faith is imputed for righteoufnes without workes, Rom.4.6. and therefore without charitie. For this iseharitieto keepe thecommandements of God.Ioh. z s.t o. Paul faith,that the righteoufneffi whereby we are iuftified, is 6y, or through faith,Phd.3.g. and therefore our iuflice,and.our faith, ate two te diffinit things. The third expofition is allo from thePapiis , that faith it reputed for righteoufnes : becaufe it is reputed to be a fuffici- cut meanes to prepare mento their iuflification : but thiscan. not be the fenfe of this place..For this was fpoken of Abraham if after he was iuftiñed, and therefore needed no preparationto iuftification. Let vs now come to the truc fenfeof the wordes. In them' confider two things, Abrahams faith, in thcfe words,Abraham heleetudCod: and the fruit ofhis faith,in thcfe words, andit.wat 20 imputed to ,hiesfor righteou/nes, Touching his faith,I confider three things. The firil is, theoccafion,whieh was on this man- lier. After theconqueft of the heathen kings, Abrahamwas Rill in force feare : in thisregard the Lordcomforts him, Gen. I 5.1. Iam thy , and thy exceedinggreat reward. But to 23 this Abraham - replies, I want iffne: and the Lord anfwcrs,i will male thyfeede, ai theflarres ofhoaxes. Gen. t; 5.5.Now then looke as God renewes and inlargeshis promife to Abraham, fo Abraham reneweshis faith:andhereuponMofes,andPaul, fay,Abraham 6eleeuedgod. God dothnot nowinlargehis pro- 30 miles to vs as to Abraham:: neuerthcleffe, the promifes recor- ded in the bible , are renewed to vs partly by preaching, and partlyby the vfcofthe facraments : andweaccordingly are to renew our faith : Ipecially in the time offeare, and danger. The fccond thing is theobie&, or matter ofhis faith , and 35 that is,the multiplicationof his pofteritic. It may inlaid ,how .could Abrahambe iuftified by fuch a faith? Anf. Thepromife ofthc multiplication -of his (cede, was a dependant of a more principallpromife, /am thyGadallfufficient.Gen.I7.z. and, I am thy exceedinggreat reward. Genoa 5.x r . In this carnal! fccdc, A ra-