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I 78 (Chap.;. Aeommentarlevpon get them. Indeede properly the promife and Elehion ofGod, makes them children : and Abraham byhis faith beleeuing the forefaid promife, receiues themofGod as his children. In this regard beleeuersare called, childreno fthe promife, Rom. 9.8. and the fcede,that is,ofthe faithof Abraham. Rom.4. i 6. Now 5 then the meaningofthe text is, that beleeuers , thoughvncir- cumcifed, are the children of Ab'aham. It,maybe laid , what priuiledge is this ? Anf. Great : for thechildrenof Abraham are children ofthecousnant, Aft. 3. 25. and childrenofGod. Rom.9.8. to The vfe. In this verle Paul lets downe one thing, namely, the true markeof the childofAbraham,and that is,to be of the faith ofAbrahä. Hcrc then markc,firfl ofall the Iewes,though defendingofIfaac,are nochildren ofAbraham,becaufc they follow not the faith ofAbraham. Secondly , the Turksare no z 5 children , though they plead defcent from Agar fómetimes, andfometime from Sara , tearming themfclues Agarens, and Saracens. For they tread under foote the faith of Abraham. Thirdly , thePapifl will nothing helpe himfclfe by the plea of Antiquitie , Succeflion , and vniuerfall content, except he can 20 fhcwv fóanegood euideoce that he is of the faith of Abraham, which he cannot. For this faith he bath corrupted , as I haue Chewed. Latlly.our profefíìonofAbrahams faith,partly in tea- chrng,and partly inhearing,and in thevie of the facraments; is not fufficient to prooue vs the children ofAbraham.For not e- 2$ eery one that faith Lord, Lord , Jhallenter into the k ngdome of beanen.Math.7.22. Therefore we mull labour to be indeede and in truthof the faithof Abraham, and to walks in the fleppes ofhis faith.And to this end,we mull do three things.Firfl,we mull haueknow- 30 ledgeof the maine and principali promifc, touching the bier- lingofGod in Chiitl, and ofall other promifes dependingon the principal!: and we mull know the fcope and tenour of thern,that webe not dcceiued. Secondly , we muff withAbra- ham belceue the power, and truth ofGod , in theaccomplith 35 ingof the laidprornifes, or in theworkingofour vocation, iu- llbfication, fanitiñcation, glorification. Rom.4. s r. Thirdly, we mull by faith obey God in all things,fhutting oureyes,and fuffering our felues(as it werejto be led blindfold, by the word of God. Thus did Abraham inall things , euen inanions a paanfl