Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

I84 ( Chap:;. 1 Costivneutariewpm In the proofe of the reafon,three things are to be confide- red : What thecure is ? whoare curled ? and when ? Thecurfe is etcrnall woe and miferic : and it is either in this life, in the end ofthis life, or in the life to come. The curie in this life, is eitherwithin man , or without him. The curie withinman, ismanifold. In the minde there is igno- rance ofGod, ofour felues,oftrue happincs,and ofthemeans to attaine to it. Amine , there is agreat dif ¡cultic withmuch paine to ¡carne, and retaine things, to beIcarned,and retained. And this is a curfe of God vpon our minds. In theconfcience,'. thereare manifoldaccufations, terrours,and feats, arifingvp- onmayoccafion , and theyarefafhings(as it were) ofthe fire ofhell , valeí?e they be quenched in this life , by the blood of Chriff. in the will, there in an inclination to all manner of -finnes, without exception. £ gaine, there is hardnesofheart, whereby the will of man isvnpliable to that which is good, vnleffe it be renewed.In thebodic there *re moredifeafcs,then the Phyfitians bookes can expreí%: and as manydifcafes as therebe invs, fo many fruits of finne there are. loh. S. r 4. Thecurie without vs, is threefold. The fiat is , a fpirituall bondagevnder thepower oftbedcuil:who by reafon offinne, works in the hearts ofvnbclecuers,Eph. 2.z.and bath thepow- er ofdeath.Hab.2. r4. Thefccond,is anEnmitie ofall the creatures with man,fince the fall. And this appeares,becaufe when God receiues vs tobe his people , he makesa couenant with all creatures, in our bc- balfe. Hof.2.18. The third containes,all lofres,calamities, mifcries, in goods, friends, goodname. Read Dent. z8. Thecurfc in theendofthis life, is death,which is the repara- tionofbodie and foule, Rom. 5.13. and Bath in his owne na- ture, isa fearefullcurie, and the very downfall to the pittc of hell. Thecurie after this 1ife,is the fecond death: which is repara- tionof bodie andfoulefrom G od, with a full apprehenfion of the wrathofGod. And ifthe paineof one tooth, or finger, be oftentimes fo great , that men rather dcfirc to die, thenhue: howgreat then (hall the painebe, when all the parts of bodie and foule (hall be tormented ? And the etcrnitieof this death sncreafeth mansmiferic. Ifaman might fuffer fomanyyeares, as S rQ tq zo 2 3° 35