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i S (Chap.a , arrrnentaarie von thePapit}s, whoblafistietnoufly teach, thataman after iuflifi,. cation,may fulfill the law in this life : that amanmay for a time be without all finne that worksof the regenerate are perfeti, andmaybe oppofed to the judgement of God : that menmay fiperesrogate,snd doe more then the law requires.Tke grad g ofall theft conclufions is this : They fay , there is a doublede:! kgrec of fulfilling the law. Thefist} is in this life, and that is, to 'l lout God truly,abouc all creatures, and to loneour neighbour asour (duos, in truth. The fecond is, to lone God with all the powers ofthe foule,and with all the tircngth,ofallthe powers: to and this meafure of fulfilling the law , is rcfcrucd to the hie to come.l will briefly confider the reafons and thegroundof this blafphemous doftrine. 0bieti.1. Gad promifeth the ifraelites, thathewillcircam- c f their hearts , that theymay lose biros withalltheirhearer, with tg alltheirfales, andwithalltheirfrrength. Deut. 3o.6. And thus Kotaturned to Godwith it bra heart , withallhirjostle ,and frith allhiePrength according toall the lawofL..3tofes. a.king. s 3.25.. Anf. The phrafr[with allthyheart]is taken ina double fignifi- cation. Sometime it is oppofcd to a double heart, and then it as fignifies, a true and vpright heart,without guileor diíimulati- on. Thus they ofZcbulon are faide , not ro fight with adouble heart, r. Ghron. s 2.3 3. butwith aperfec`7 heart, v. 3 8. W here, marke the oppo(tion,ofanwhole or perfc(l heart,toa double heart. In this fcnfe are theplaces before named , to be vndcr tg flood. Neuertheletite, the wholeheart, foule , and flrength , i» the femme of the morali law, fignifics all powers of the fouler and all the f}rengthofall the poveers. Thus loth Paul , Rom. 7. expound the law, whenhe faith, the law, is f iriruall ;and by the prohibition of lull , gines themeaning of the whole law. 3a For concupifccnce,or lull, comprehends the fir a thoughts,cri motions. ®hied.1F. Noah isfaide to beinrfî' anrlperfefl,Gen. 6.andj Godcommands Abraham towalke before him,andto beperfet, Gen. 17. r . Paul faith, Let asroarerat beperfeíl, be thinminded, 33 phil. 3. r 5. Ánfw. There is a double perfeflion > perfellton of parts, andperfeélianofdegrees. Ferfee ionofparts is,vwhen a mart, hath inhim,after be is regenerate;the beginnings ofall bermes and the feedes ofall graces : by whichhe endeavours , to obey God in all his laves and commastdcmenta . Porfetlion ofdr. sreea,