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Chap. I. c i Cemmeratotrie tipo, fed Iullan theEmperour. Other exampleswe findenot any. The thirdpoint,howe theChurch (}could accurfe any roan, and in what order?Anfwer.In this ation, there be foure iudcre- ments.Thc firU is Gods,which is giucn in heaucn,whereby he doeth accurfeobflinate and notorious offendours.The fècond iudgemcnt,pertainesto the Church von earth , which pro - nounceth them accurfcd,whome godaccurfeth. It may befaid, hove comes the Church to knowe the iudgement ofGod, whereby he accurfeth? Anfwer. The word lets downe the con- ditionof them,that are accurfed;and experience,and obferuati- on findes out the perfons,to whome thefc conditions are inci dent.The third iudgement is giuen in heauen , whereby God ratifies and approoues the iudgement ofthe Church,according to that,whatfoeuerye6:nde on esrth,fall bebarindsb heauen.The laí1 í.udgcnaent,pertaines toeueryprivate p°rfon ,. who holds him in execration,whome Godbath accurfed, and the Church hath pronounced fo to be. If he heare not the Church , the Church pronouncethhim to be as a Publicanand heathen:& tben(faithChrift)let him be ra ?'ublic.n ro thee . Thus muff the text be vndcrflood. Hencewe weare taught,to be careful inprefcruing the pu- titieof the Gofpell: becaufe the corrupters thereof,areto be accurfedas the damned fpirits. Henceagaine it appeared) , that the Church in accurfing,doth but exercrfe a Minificrie, which is,to publifh and tefl:fic , who are accurfed ofGod . Lally, hence we learne,that private perlons muff feldomevfe cutting: becaufe God muff firft accurfe, and the Church pubhlh the fentence of God ; before we may with good confcierce vttcr the fame.They therefore,which in a rage accurfe thernfelues,& others, deale wickedly. We are called ordinarily toblcffing, & not to cur ling. 1 The third point is, the fuppofition ofthings irnpofìblc,on thismanner.Put the cafe,that I Paul, or any other of the Apo. files,fhould teachotherwife then I haue taught you: neither I nor they mull be bcleeued,but be accurfed. Againe , put the cafe,that an angel from heauen fhould come and preach, o. therwife thenPaul preached to the Galatians, who muff be be- Ieeued?Paul, or the Angel ? the anfwer is,not the Angell , but Paul:and the angel mutt be accurfed. And the reafon ia, be- caufePaul inpreaching andwriting, did reprìfent the ;litho- :- title 5 t c3 t5 20 25 3n 3S