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theEpiflle to the Galatiií .r, Chap. r . the Sanauarie,areturncd tofaltpits. Ezcch.47.v.z i. IO For nowwhether preach I men or God ? or feeke I to pleafe 5 men" forifI ihouldyetpleafe men I were not the feruant of Chrift. The interrogations in this place , de (preach? and ,doe 7 ro pleafe?arc in fl cadof earn& negations : Idoe not preach , Idee batpleafe. Andwhen he faith, doe bowpreachmen,or Gad?his meaning is this Heretofore I. hauc preached the Traditions ofinen, but now becing anApoflle, Ipreachnot thedoctrine ofmen,but of God. And when he faith,doe 1feeke, topleafe men! I5 his meaning is this; I doe not make this the fcope of my mini ilerie,to frame,andtemper my doctrine fo,as it may be futable and pleating to the affeelions of men. For otherwife weare to pleafemen in that which isgood, andfor theirgoed. z . Cori 10.3 3 Rom.: 5.2. 20 This verfecontaines a doublereafon of his former fpeach, andof the repitition thereof. The fira is this. Though hereto -, fore I taught theTraditions ofinen; yet now I teach the word` not ofmen,but ofGod:and therefore I accurfè them that teach otherwife. The fecond is framed thus. If I fhoul.d yet pleafe 25 men ,I were not the feruant ofGod :tut I am the feruant of God : therefore I feekenot topleafe men,but,ifnecde f uai be, I will denounce curies againfl them. Herefitti we fee the proper matter ofthe Minifferie, which is not theword ordoetrineof man,but ofGod.By this the Mi- 3o Differs of the Golpel are taught to handlc,their do trine with modcflie,and humilitie, without oilentation, with rcuerencc, and with a confidcration ofthe niaieflieof Godwhofe thcdo- Chine is which they vtter, that God maybe glorified. i. Pet. +I I. 35 I Secondly, the hearers in hearing are to know that they haue to deale with God : .and .that they are to recciuc the daítrine taught not as the wordofman, but as the very word ofGod as 'the Thefralonians did. I.Thefl: 2.1 3. Thewant of this confiders. (ion , is the caute that tome contemns the tninifleric of the word, andothers arenot touchedand mooned in hearing. . D 3 Againe, 29