Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

Chap. t. fl Cotinnrentarie%poes that the Scripture fcttcth downe the truc caufe ofall miferie, namely fin= , and theperfefì: remedie , namely the death of Chrift. The third is , the AntiquitieofScripture, in that it feel downe an hiftorie from thebeginningof the world. The 4. is prophecies of things in fundrie booker of Scripture , which none could poflibly foretell but God. The g. is;the confirma- tion ofthe doftrine oftheProphets and Apoffles by miracles, that is, works done aboue, and contrarie to the fircngth of na- 'ture,which none candoe but God. The6. 'is,thc content of the scripture with thcmfeïues, whereas the ,vritings of mcn,are tQ often at lane with thetnfelues. The, theconfcffon ofere- rnies;as namely,of hcretíckes,who in oppugningof fcriptures, alleadge fcripteres,and thereby confiflè the trueth thereof.The 8. is,an vnfpeakable deteftation , that Sathanand all wicked men beare to the doftrine of, theproteéiion r s and preferuation of is,from thebeginning to this houre, by a fpeciall prouidenceofG od. The i, the confiant confeflion ofMartyrs, that haut fhedde their blood for the Gofpell of Chrift.The .i, that (careful' punifhments and judgements haue befallen them , that haue oppugned the word of God. 20 The t 2. is,holineffe of them that profeflc the Gofpcll.The lait is the effeft and operation ofthe word : for n is an inftrument. ofGodin the right vfe whereof, we receiue the teflimonie of the fpirit, ofour adoption, and are conuerted veto God . And yet neuertheleffe,the word whichconuerteth,is contrarie to the 25 wicked nature ofman. The fecond tefiimonie is,from the Prophets and Apoftles, whowere EmbafTadours ofGod,extraordinarily to reprefent his authoriticunto his Church , and the pen men of holy Ghoft,to fet downe the true and proper wordofGod .. And 30 theApoftles aboue the reft,were eie.witnefTes, and care-wit- mires, of the fayings, and doings ofChill: and in that they were guided by the infallible alliftance of the fpirit , both in preaching,andwriting: their Teflimonie touching the things which they wrote mutt needes be authenticall. If it be laid, 3¡ that counterfeit writings,may be pnblifhed tothe world,vnder the nameoftheApoftles.I anfwcr,if they werein the dales of theApoftles,they, by their authoritie cut them of iandthere- forePaul faith, /fang teach othermi(e,lethim he accurfe . And theyprouided4j:that no counterfeits should be foiflcd vnder their