Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

,-y - 41111111 Chap. r. .4Comrheratarie vpon confider,thata calling is of-two forts : Ordinarie, and Extraor- dinarie.Ordinarieis,when God calls by the voices, and content ofinen,foì owing the laws ofhis word. Extraordinarie is,when God calls otherwife.And this he doth3. waies,firfl,by immedi- ate voice. Thus God called Abrahamand Mofes , and thus were the ApofIlescalled. The fecond is , by the mefla;e of a creature.Thus Aaron and the tribe of Leui was called by Mo- fes:Eiizeus,by Elias : Philip was called byan angel tobaptize the Eunuch,Att.B. 2 6.The third is , by inflinft. ThusPhilip a deacon preached in Samaria,Aft.8. 1 4. Thus the men ofCy- prus, and Cyrenc preached among the Gentiles, and the hand of God was with them,though otherwife they were but private perfons,Aft t îj9,20. Of this kind was the callingofthefirfa preachers ofthe Gofpel.It may be obietîed , that they did not confirme their callingsand doctrine by miracles , which they fhouldhaue done,iftheir callings had beene extraordinaric. I anfwcr:they preached no new doctrine, but theold & auntient doctrine ofthe Prophetsand Apoftles, which they had hereto- fore confirmedby tniracles.Now olddoctrine necdes no newe miracies,but new doctrine, loch as are the Popes decrees & de- cretals. Againc , it may be alleadged, that men may falfly pre- tend extraordinarie calling. Ianfwer,ifthree rules be obferued they cannot. The firft is,that extraordinarie neuer takes place, but when there is no roome for ordinarie . The fecond , that they which plead a calling extraordinariiy,mufI be tried II the word,both for doctrine and life : for this is an infallible way to difcouer falte teachers,Math.y. 2 2.Deut.13. I . S. Iohns autho- ritie is Paid tobe fromheauen , becaufchis baptifine , that is,his doetrinc,was fo.Luk.2o.2.Thethird is,tliat extraordinarie tea. chers in thefe lafi daies,after they haue brought men to receiue the Gofpel,are tobe ordained as other ordinaricminiflers after the laws of-gods word. For they are not extraordinarie in re- fpcEt of their do(rine,which is the doctrine ofthc word,nor in refpeEt oftheir officeor function , in which regard theyare Pa, Hors & tcachers,and not Apoffles or Euangelifls:but their cal- are extraordinaric, in refpect ofthe common abufe of the officeof teaching,and in refpect ofthc common corruption of doetrine.Thefe 3.rules,as caucats obfcrued,wcmay cafily per - ceiucwho are called extraordinarily,who not : and they are all fullyverified in the fir ft preachers ofthe Gofpell. Thirdly, ro IS 20 25 3© 3'