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to 15 20 25 3e 35 the Epjfe to the Galatians. Chap. made to the people,trained vp and taught himfelfe,his I z. A- poflles,and his 70. difciples. Paul commaunds Timothie to teach that which behad learned,toinchas fhal be fit to teach others, 2.Tim. a. a. Furthermore , this teaching is of great vfe.For it ferues to maintaine. the truc interpretation of fcripture,thepu- ritie ofdoetrine:and it is a meanes to continue the tniniflerie to the ende ofthe world.Themeanefl arte or trade. that is,is lipt learned without great teaching:then muchmore teaching is re- quired in diuiniue,which is the arse ofall arts. The true inter- pretation of (cripture , and the right ctítting of theword, is a matter ofgreat difficultie,and a matter.(what(òeuer men think) ofthe greatea learning in the world. Therefore it is necéfritic, that teachers fhould full be taught , and learne aright the Go- fpel ofChrifl.pleauenhundred yearesafter Chrift, men began to lay afidc Mofes , and the Prophets,and the writingsof the newTellament , and to expound the writings ofmen,as the Sentences of Peter Lumbard.Hence ignorance,fuperfiition,& idolatrie come headlong into the world. Seeing then the teach- ing of them that are to be teachers,is offuch antiduitie,andvie, all menare to be exhorted , to put to their helping hands, that this thingmay goe forward.Princes are to maintamneit,by their bountifulnefíè,and authoritie,asthey haue done, and doe ildl: and that which they doe,theymua doe it more . Parents mua dedicate the fittefl of their children to. the feruicc ofGod,in the miniflerie,and not to vfe it in the laft place for a (hill, as they doe.For commonly, the eldeft mail be the heire , the next the lawyer,the voungea the diuine. Students mull loue and affect this calling abouc all other. t.Cor. t4, r. Laflly, all men mull make praier,that Godwouldprofper and blefie all Sehooks of learning,where this kind of teaching is in vfe. Here againe it appeares,that C riff is God,and more (ken a metre man,becaufe he is oppofed to man:and that Paul recei- ued:tuthoritie,and the keiesofthekingdome ofheauen,imme- díately ofChrill,as well as Peter. 13. For yehaueheard ofmycon uerfation ilk timepaps, howe that i perfecuted. the Church of God ems- treamely, 399