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48 Chap. z. ACommeut4rievpon that God bath determined what he will doe with euery man, and that he hath inhis cternall counfell affigned cueryman his office and condition of life. For there is in God a pleafure whereby he may doe with cuery man what he will. And by his eternal( counfell,hefeperates euery man from the very wonìbe to one calling, or other : and accordingly he calles them in time by giuinggiftes,and will,to doe that,for which they were appointed. And this I vnderftand ofall lawfull callings, in the familie, church, or common wealth. Thus Chrift was called from the wombe, and let apart to be a mcdiatour. ffai, 47 I. and Iohn. 6.27. Icremie to be a prophet Ierem. r. 5. Chriffi is faid to glue Apoflles, Prophets, Patlors teachers. Eph. God lent Iofcph unto Egipt to be the gouernour thereof, and arelecuer ofIacobs familte. Gen. 45. In thisregard the Medes andPerfians are faid to be thefa rc7äfiedoues,ofGod Ifai. 54. 3. and the men ofhú ceunfell, Ifa.46. 11. The vfe. Hence we are all taught,to walke in our callings with diligence, andgood confcience.Becaufe they arca(iigned vsofGod. Hence weare taught toycdd obedience to our ru- lers & teachers : becaufe they that arc our rulers and teachers, were feperated fromthe wombe to be fo, and that by God hirtafelfe, withoutthe will ofman. Hence wemaygather aflis- ranceofGods protcRion, anda(Iiftance in our callings : for in thathe hath appointed vs our callings, hewill alto defend vs in them. 2. Cor. 3.46. Ifay. 49. 2. Hence we may learne pa- tience, andcontentation in all themiferics, and troubles ofour callings , for in what calling foeuerthou art, thou waft ordai- ned to it byGod from thymothers wombe . Thinke on this. Rice we learne thankfulnes togod,becaufeour calings,giftes, and theexequution ofourcallings., is wholyofGod: and this Paul lignifies, when he faith that our feperation toour offices, and callings, was frorn our firft conception. Hence we learne to depend on Gods prouidcncefor the time to come. Forifhe prouided our callings, when we were not, hewill much more aide, and bleffevs in themnowwhilewe haue a beeing. Read. Pfalme. z 2. 8.9. Pooreparents thatcannot leaue landes, and linings to their children after their deceafe , let them comfort themfelues in this; that there childrenarefrom their mothers wombe, fcperated to fome good office, and condition of life, by the wifdotneofGod : and that a goodoffice, or calling is btu« S IC) Is 2C 25 30 35