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Chap. I. Cammextarievpan mercie,an-d they make Chrtt' a packe-horfe, lading him with their burdens,and there is littleor noamendment of life. Themanner that God vfcd in reucaling the tonne to Paul, flands in two things:Preparation and Infi?ralion. Trcparation is a worke ofGod,whercbv he humbled Pau), fubducd thepride , and flubberncneffe ofhis heata,and made him traffable,and teachable . This humiliation is outward, or inward.Theoutward , was partly by lightening fromhcaucn, 'that cat' him to the earth,and made him blinde: andpartly by a I voice reproouinghim: Som/, Saul, whyperfecutcil thoume?Thc !inward humiliation,was in a fight, and horrour for his finnes. The finnes that God reuealed to him, arc thefe:the firthwas,an height ofwickedneffe,that in perfecuting theChurch,he made warre euen againUGodhimfelfe.Secondly, Godmade mani- 1fef'vnto him the meaningof thetenth commandement, and, Ithat fecret Iu(' without confcnt ofwill, was finne. Rom.7.7. And thus the lawe killed him,that was aline, in his owneopini- on,whcnhe wasa Pharifc. The inflrutlionwhereby God taught the fame to Paul, bath twoparts.The fir(' is,the call ofGod, whereby he inuitcsPaul to become a member ofthe fonne ofGod.And this he did,firff, by propounding veto him the commandement of the Gofpcl, which is to repent and belecue in Chrifl.Secondly, by offering tohim the promife ofremiffion offinnes , and life euerlafling, when he beiccued. The fecond part ofinflruEion,isa reali and finely teaching,whenGod madePaul in his.hcart to anfwer the callïng,according to that,Pfalme. 27.v.5. When thonfaidfi,fcke emy f tce,mineheart anfwered,I ws11ficke thyface , 0 Lord. And inZacharie,i 3.9.He fballfay,it ismy people:andtheyJhallfay,the Lord is ossr God. This is a fpirituall Eccho, that is made in the heart.Thcfound ofGods word,goes through the world, and thehearts ofinen,whichbe as Rocks andHones , make anfwer. And this workeof God,that makes man yeildto the cailíngof God,is in fcripture , akind ofdiuine teaching : thus the father isPaid to teach the fonnc,by drawing' Job. 6.44. And God is Paid Ito teach vs hiswaies,when he golds vs by his Ipirit in the landof righteoufneffe,Pfal.I43.That this reali, andhcauenly kind of teaching,may take place,Godby his grace, puts a kindoffoft- 1nefTe into theheart,whereby it is made fubieft,andobedient to ((the word.And it bath two parts. One is an acknowledgement by 5 Io Ig 20 25 30 35