Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

66 Chap. i. ACommentarie upon abteffation : for the meaningofhis wordes is this that his for- rowesand afiEfionswhich he indurcd for Chriff, would te- ffifie(tfthey could fpeake) that he died daily. Thus Mofes cal- led heauen and earth to witncs,without fwearing:for inan oath the thing by whichhe fvvcares., is madenotonely witncs, but 5, alfo.iudgc. Neuerthclefre , itis not vnlawfull to name the crea tures in the formeofan.oath, if theybe confidered aypledges, l prefcnted vnto God , that he should punifh vs in them, ifwe lie. Thus Paul fweareth, / call Godto reitnes te(or vpon)rnyfottle. Here they are to be blamed , whofe common (wearing, is by 19 the creatures , as by their faith , by their troth, by the MAC, Maric,bythis bread,by- this drinke, &c. Secondly , herewe lcarnc tovfean oath , onely in the cafeof extremitic, namely,when a neceffarie truth is to be confirmed, &whê this cannot be donby any reafon, or proofe tobe fond i 5 among men vpon earth, then may we fire veto hcauen for proofe, andmake God our witnes. Thus Paul confirmes his owne calling, when all other proofes failed. And it muff fur- ther be obferued , that in extremities he vfeth an oath but fel- dome. This feemes to condemne their wickednes , that crie at 20 Mayword in their common talke,bcforeGod, before God. Thirdly, before we fweare , we are to vie great meditation, confidcration , and preparation : and therefore Paul in fwea- ringvfeth a word of attention, and faith , Behold, If eakc it be. foreClod. This condemncs the rant, and cuilomable (wearing 25 ofmen in their common talke:who allo in that they common- ly and rafhly fwearc , commonly forfweare themfelucs. In that Paul confirmes hiswritings by oath , it appeares that they areofGod. For ifhe had fworne falfly, God would haue taken reuenge vpon him , andhis writings, before this : which 30 he hash not done. Whereas Paul faith, Before god If ea?,e it: he teacheth vs after his owne example to bringour (clues into the prefenceof ¡God, towalke before him as Enoch did, Gen.S. 22. and as A- brahamwas commanded, Gen. 17. t . and to doe whatfoeuer 35 we doe as in the fight and prefence of God: and tobe afraid to finne,becauleofhisprefence. This is the true kart of God, and this is theright pra6life ofreligion. 21 After that I went into the soaft§;