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5 io 1.5 ao a 3° the- Epsßle to the Galatians. Chap. I. thcrnnore,this gluingisnot altogetherat one inf}ant,;but it be- ginnes inthe conuerfion ofa finncr,and isoften iterated in the vfe oftheword,and facraments,to the death. Paul wits the Co- rinthians reconciled to God,flill to be reconciled, 2. Cor.5.21. Andwe are taught , cuery day tepray to,God,to giucvs the pardon ofour finncs.This gluing is twofold;<conditionall, and abfolute. Conditional], when God giues the pardon of Pinne, upon condition.Thus inbaptifine,and in the firft conuerfion ofa finner,all finnes without exception , arepardoned ; yea fu- ture finnes: yet not limply , whether a man repent, or no,but vponconditionoffuture repentance. The abfolute donation is,whcn a man repents,or rcnewes his repentance:for then the pardon ofíìnne,is fimply,and fully without condition, applied and revealed to the confctence. When Dauid confeffedhis fin, Nathan,in the nameofthe Lord faith, l"hyJinne r.rfergruem thee, 2.Sam.12. Now then, to corne to the point , the child of God bath pardon ofhis fall , in refpeet of the decree topardon,irr refpea of the general! promueof pardon; in refpea of the procure- ment ofpardon, in refpe61 of the conditional] donation of pardon, which is made in baptifine : and he may be find to want pardon, in that the pardon ofhis offence is not fully and abfolutely giucn him till he recoucr hin fclfe and ret'ewe his repentance. If it be heredemaunded, what the childe of God askes, when he praies for pardonday by day? I anfwer, he praies for two things. Fi:fì, that God would continue. to fhew his fauour , and to impute the merits of Chrifl vetohim, wheras he for his part byhis offence def.rues to be deprivedof all fauour. Secondly , he asks the gluingof the pardon, that is, that God wouldcertifie his confcicnce thereof. Thevfe. Seeing' the.intent oftheDeuil! and wicked men, is todeflroy.the faith (as it appeares in this place, and in the firfi temptation wherewith Satan aiTaultcd Chrift,Math.q.) We mull haire a fpeciall care ofour faith . And firfl we mull Tooke that our faith be a true faith, leafs we be dcce ued, as the fool:ill virgins. Secondly; we mull krepe and locke vp our faith in force Cafe and lure place, namely in the flore houfe of} treafurie ofa good confcience. T. Titi. 1. 19. Thirdly:, our,] care muff be to increafe in faith, that our hearts may be rooted') andgrounded in theloue-ofG,od, Andf-or this caufc we-are to 1