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6 Chap. I . e.4Cotnrtoentarie upon faith,that is,both paftors and people,whether ofAntiochc(as dome thinke)or ofRome, as others. And Paul writes his Epill le as well in their namesas in his owne,and with their confent;for two caufes . Onewas,that he rni ht not be thought to dehuerany priti:ate doctrine deuired ofhis owne hcad.And this care he had alwaies : and therefore taught nothing but that which was inthe writings of(viíofcs and the `Propbets,A7.26.22. And this was the care ofChrill :who faith,r.My det7irive is nor mine but his that_lint me.7oh.7. i 6. A rid at this dale , this mutt be the care of the1'vlíniflers of the Go, fpell,to definer nothingof their owne.Firít therefore their do- t-trinesmutt be founded in the writings of the Prophets and Apoflies:and Cecondly,that they may be lure of this, theymull haue the courent of the true Church , fpecially offuck as haue beene the Reflorers of the got-pelt in this lafl age. This rule Pan! giues Timothie,to continue in the things which he bad lear- ned&'Paul and the refl.- oldie Apoflles, 2.Tim.3, t 4. Henceit appeares to be a fault in fundrie private perlons , when they read the Scriptures,to gather private opinions, tobroth them to the world. This praftifehath hectic the foundation ofhe. relies and ichifines in the Church. Secordly,Paul writes with content , that he might the better mooue and perfwade the Galatians to recciue his do&rine which heis nowe to deliuer. Hence it appeares,that the Content of Parlors and people is ofgreat exceilencie. For the better conceiuingofit,and the meaningofthe text , I will handle three points . The firft is, what is the force of content?wherein Elands it ? and where it is nowc to be found?For the firft:Content is of force to prepare the heart,and to mooue it to beleeue : as Augufline faith, Ihad not 6eleeued the Go fell , except the authoritie of the Church had ',noisedmne. And this is all it can doe. For it is the word,that is theobieft and the caufe of our faith:the word it Celfeworkes in vs that faithwhereby it is beleeued.And Paul in this place vfeth .conlent,not toworke a faith inthe Galat3ans,but onely to ftirre vp a likingofhis doftrine.Two errors of the ChurchofRome muff here be auoided. One, that Content is a certaine marke oftheChurch. It is falle : for Content may be among the wic- ked,in the kíngdotne of Antichrifl,Reuel.r 3. t6. In theking- domeof darkencffe,all isin peace.Againe,dt%ration may be a- mong 5 IO Ig 20 25 30 s"5