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-Chap: 2. Cotasmetarievpon that for this fucccttlion, they bane but a humane faith, groun- ded vpon humanehtftorie. The fourth point is , the Ende of theconference, Leaj7 I fold runne,that is, leall I fhould preach , or had preached in vaine.Thefè wordsof Paul,are not limply to,bc takcn.For the Mtnaerie ofman,and entry ter pion , br togs forth the fruite whichGod bathappointed . And whetheritbevrato the Ilea. rers,the fauour ofhte , or the fauour of death , it is alwaies a fwtet tau c}ur vntoGod. The words therefore carrie this mea- ning: Leafi mypreaching fhould be of lefre vie , and profit:or 10 againe,leafl I fhould preach invaine , in refpeCt ofthat good which is looked for at the bands ofan Apofflc. And this Paul fpeakes,becaufea rumor went abroad,that his doctrine in tna- ny things, was contrarie to the other Apoffles . And by this meanes,many were kept from recciuingtheGofpell, and the tj faithofweake belceuerswas quenchcd.Now then, the ende of theconference was,to flay this falfe report, that the Miniflc rie of Paul,might haue paiage,and that with greater profit. Hence thePapilts gather,thatthe doctrineofPaul was vn- -ccrtcn,and unprofitable , till it was approoucd by Pcter.I an- 20 Ewer, that Paul fought the approbationof his doflrine,at the hands ofPeter and the refl : not becaufe it was vncerten, and vnprofitable;but becaufe it was flaundered : and the flaunder was,that he taught otherwife then Peter did . Nowe to cut off this flander,he vfeth meaucs to manifcft his content with Pe- 25 tor and therefore leckes approbation at his hand. Againe , when Paul faith, Leal? IAould runne invaine, he glues vs to vnderfland,that the Minitlerieofthe word, is not a workeofeafe,orpleafure, but a labour:nay a continued la- bour,like to the running in a race It were therefore to be wì 30 £hed,that miniflers oftheGofpel,would fo labour , andwalke in this calling,that theymight be able to faywith Paul , Ihaue fought agoodfght,I.hauefnifl ednnycourfe.&c. 2.Tim.4. Thirdly,hence it appeares,that all beleeuers fhould haue a 'certenknowledgeoftheir faith and religion. The procuring 35 ofthis,was the thing that Paulaimed at,in thisconference with the Apoflles at Ierufalem. Wemull not beas children, carried away with emery winde eirdo&#rine , Eph.4. r 4. Gods word re- uires faith invs: and faith prefuppofcth certen knowledge. The fiat,and fecund commandcmcnts rcquire,that we knowe God,