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the Epíßle ro the Galatians. Chap. 2. (hall doe othcrwife , then there laves command , with a con- temptuous,or difloyall minde,areguiltic beforeGod;yet here twocautions mutt be remembred, One, that the lawcs ofinen doe not chaunge the nature of things indifferent : for it is the $ ui i pNeith r doe they take away the vfc of things ndiffere t. For libertic grauntedby a foueraigne power,cannot be reuer- fed by an inferiour power. Therefore humane lawes doe no more , but temper , and moderate , the ouercommon vie of io things indifferent. The fecond caution is, That when the ende of a law ceafeth , when there is no contempt of the authoritie that made the law ,when nooffence is giuen : a thing indiffe- rent reraines in his free 'ere without finne , or breachof con- fcience. r5 Againe , here we learne , that a thing indifferent , when it is made neccffarie to faluation,,(as Circumcision was) is not to be vied. This conclufion ferues to oucrthrow the Popifh reli- gion. For it Rands in the obferuation ofthings indifferent, as mutes, drinkcs, appareil, times, &c. And the vfing, or the not so vfingof them is made neccffarie cuen in regard ofmans fat- nation. For the abflinence from things that arc by nature in- different, is made a part ofGods worfhip, and meritoriousof eta-nail life. For example: tomarrie,or not tomarric,is forna- turea thing indifferent : and therefore when abftinence from marriage is made neceffarie (as it is in diners orders ofmen and women) the nature of the thing ischanged, which God hath left free, and it is a doEtrineofdeuiils,whick is taught. Here againe we learne, to makedifference ofperfons.Some are weakc, force are obstinate. Weake ones are filch, as hawing o turned vntoGod , and carrying in their hearts a purlofc in all thingsto pleafe God, neuertheleffe doefundrie things amiffe, vponfimple ignorance , br badde cuftome, till they be better informed. Of there Paul faith, that he hecmneall to at', that he mightfinejme, I.Cor.g. z2. and for their fakes he condefcen- 3 5 ded to circumcife Tinìothie. And ifwe that haue fcarcea drop of merciein vs, mull thus beare with them that are weake, much more will God doe it, who is rnercie it Idle. The good ihepheard bringshome the frayeepe vpen his./heulders : he- car- ries his lambs in his bofome. Ifa. 40. 11. He. willnot quench the fmpa ng flare, Ifa. 41. he /pares them thatfearehim, as a faher L r , [pares 81