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the Epitle to the Galatians. Chap.2. aiaughtie pot hearbe,marreda whole pot ofpottage. 2. King. 4.4o.Chrift faith in the like cafeofthe Pharihes; Let them ,a. lon::they are the blind: leaders ofthe Rind, Math. i5. 14. We may yeeld in things indiffercnt,but not inpointsof r cligion.In matters of this world , we may be indifferent , and of neither fidc:but in matters ofGod, we may not . There is no halting betwccnc two religions. The fccond point is , they gauc not place by way e f fubte- Elion. The reafon is, the Apotticswere ofhigheftauthoritic, ro fimply to be beleeued in their doftrine.And they had extraor- dinaneauthoritie,topunifh them that rebelliouflywithftood them.Aft.5.5.& I o.&Aft. t 3.2o.2.Cor. i o.6.For this caufe, they were not toRand fubieft to the judgement rand ccnfurc ofany man.Theywillingly fuffered their doftrine to tried; 15 yet were they not bound to fubieftion., as other minitters of the new tetlament are, t.Cor.14.3 2. i.Ioh.4.t.It may be Paid, ifthey wouldnot glue place by fubieftion, howe then gale they place?Anfwer.There is two kinds ofycelding :one by toi, lcraticän without approbation,_ the other by fubicetion which 20. is thegrcateft approbation that can be. By the firIt , it may he, Paul was content to give place,but not by the fecond.Herewe fec, howe we arc toyeeld, to the corruptionsofthe times , in which we liue,whether theybe in manners,or in doctrine. We arc to giue place by meeke and patient bearingof that which 25 wecannot monde: but wearenot to giue place by Iubieftion. The thirdpoint is,thc codeofPauls refufall , fhat the truth ofncmgofpellmight continue: that is ,_that the Golpel might be prefcrued in puritie,and integritie in all things And by this Paul giuesvs tovnderlland,that ifcirct.tmcifion be made ane- 3o cefl`arie caufe ofiulbhcation, and faluation , the truth of the Gofpel doctiii not continue.Here let vsobferue, that when in- , flification, or faluation is afcribed to workes, or Sacraments, the truthofthe Golpell giues place,and fal,lhood comes in the' roome. Wherefore the religion of the Church ofRome, is a 35 meere deprauation of theGofpel for it makes workes to be themeritorious caufes ofinibfication,& faluation, Nay,which is more,it teachethmen to worfhip a peece of brcad,and to in- vocatedead incn,and to kneelsclowntcto flockcs, and Bones. 6 And ofthern that feemed tobe great, Luksoaó.