Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

5 8o E5 20 25 35 !rcfpcEof theMinifterieof the word. i.Tim.3 x 5 Againe , in that all minifters in theirplaces(according to the meafure of gifts receiucd ) arcpillar:, they are admonifhed hereby to beconfiant in the truth,againft all enemies whatfoe- ucr It is the praifeof Iohn thc Baptsft,that hewas not as a reed fhaken of the nnnde,Math. t i.7.Á11 beleeuers areto fiend fati in tewptation,againft their fpirituall enemies, Fph.6.x 3.and this they (hall thc better doe , ifthey be direftedby thegood ex- ampleoftheir teachers. Thirdly,in that Miniftersare pillars,we are taught to cleaue vnto them, and their minifterte,atall times, inhieand death. For we are liningliones in the temple ofgod , Chrift is ourfeun- dation, and they be pillars to hold vs vp : and thereforenot to be forlaken.Deut. t 2.19. Furthermore , Paul at this time was notaccounted apillar : for he faith thus, lames,Cephat,lohn,areaccountedpillars;as who fhould fay , I am accounted none. Thus Paul goes through good report, and cuill report, and iscontent tobe contemned. Laftly,theexample ofconcordamong theApofiles is tobe obferued : irr that theyglue the right hands offellowfhip one to another. i o Warningonely that wefhould remember the Poore : which thing alto I was diligent todoe. In thefe words Paul lets downe the fourth and lift figne of his approbationat Icrufalem,on this manner.At my departing the Apofilcswarnedme to remember thepoore, andofnoo- ther thingdid they glue me warning: therefore there was afull andperfe& confcnt betweene vs. In the wordes ,two things are fèt downe, theApoflolicall warning, and thepraaifeof it by Paul. Thewarning in thefe words, [ Warning onely that sve /hould remember thepoore.] In them three points are to be confidercd . The fitti , that the Church of Ierufalem isin extreame poucrtie. And the caufes of it may be two. The firfl , becautc thepoorer fort receiucd the Gofpel: thus it was in Corinth,t.Cor.t.26.Not many wife i according to the#le/h, net many miehtre, not many noble. The like;, N Katie the Ispsflle to the Galatsans. Chap,. 2.