Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

"rah thcCO:liita. from faith which is wrought in meebyGods hole fpirit Sathen. Ifthis were fo,Gocl would neuer fuffer thee tofinne as thou doefl. Chrs.ftiatr I fhall finneas long as I line in this world, I am fure air; be- Rom.7 caufe I am taughttoaske retnifiionoftny (innes contnually.But themannerof Ma t.26,69 my finningnow is otherwaies than it bath been in times pafi. I haue finned ; a.; 4.75. heretofore with full purpofe and confent ofwill; butnow doubtles, I doe not. Before I commit any finne, I doenot gee to thepraeîifingof it with delibera- tion, as the carnali man Both, who taketh care to fulfill the Mlles ofthe flefh: but if I doe it, it is flat beak thy mind & purpofe : In the doing ofaniefinne, I Rom! 3,/4 would not doe it, myheart is againfl it, & I hate it&yet by the tyrannieofmy flefhbeing ouercome I doe it:afterward, when itis committed, I am grieued and difpleafed at my felfe, and doe earnefily with teares aske at Gods hands forgiuenes.ofthe fame finne. Sathan. Indeed; this isverie true in the childrenofGod: but thou art fold under fin &with greatdifpleafure d`oeft commit finne;and louefl it with thy wholeheart;otherwife,thóuwouldefl not fall to finne againeafter repentance,. andcommit euen one and the fame fin,fooften as thoudoefl,Thouhypocrite, this thybehàuiour turneth all the fairour ofGod from thee. Chriflian. Indeed it isdangerous to fall againe intothe famefinne afterre pentance : yet it is the order ofthe Prophets to call men to repentance which h. ,. baue fallen fromthefeareofGod,& from the repentance which theyprofeflèd: andGod in thuscallingthem, putteth them inhope of obtainingmercie.`And thelavehad facrifices offered éuerie daie forthe finnes ofallthe people, and for particularmen, bothfor their ignorances, and their voluntarie fins:which fignifieth, that God isreadie to fotgiue the finnes ofhis children though they finoften, Abrahátwifelied and f.c orethat Sara wasnothis wife.Iofeph favore Gcn. t z. r twifeby thelife ofPharao.Dauid committed adulterie often,becaufe he tooke is vntohimBathfheba, Vriahs wife, and alto kept'fxe vKies, and tenConett- Gcn.zo.z.3 bines,Gods will is, that menförgiuetill feuentie fèuen times: and thereforehe Gen.4z.z g.. wil fhewmuchmore mercie.And for mypart,fo oft as I flialfal into the fame finne, fo oft I lhaIl haueChrift my aduocate and interceffour to thefather for me,who willnot damnemefor the infirmitie\. hiebhe findeth in me,I will ab- flaine fromexternalliniquitie, and I will not make my membersferuants vnto fin: & fò long Itrufl my imperfeolions fhall haue no power todatnne me :for. rJob. 2 r. Chrifisperfe&ion isreputedto bemine by faith, hick I haue inhisbloud:God van9'6, isnot difpleafed, ifmybodiebe ficke& fubicc} todifeafes : nomore is bee dif- pleafed at thedifeafe and ficknesofthe foule. A natural father willnot flay the bodye of his Childe, vvhen bee isficke, and abhorreth comfortable rneates: Rcm.B.zs and myheaitenlie father-will not condcmnemy foule,although through the in- firmitieoffaith,& the weakenes ofthe fpii in! commit fin,&ofte' loathhis hear nelleword,the fonde ofmyfoule. Nay,(which is a flrange thing) I know it by experience, that 'God hath turned my filthiefnncs to my great profite, and to