Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

Title Page: A Treatise Tending Unto A Declaration, Whether A Man Be In The Estate of damanation, or in the estate of grace 3
The Contents of the Booke (and handwritten additions) 4
Certaine Propositions 9
A Case of Conscience 127
An Exposition of The Lords Prayer 161
A Golden Chaine, Or The Decscription of Theologie 221
A briefe Table directing the Reader of this booke 423
Two Treatises 435
A Direction For The Government of the Tongue according to God's word 481
A Salve for a Sicke man: or, A Treatise Containing the Nature, Differences, and Kindes of Death; As Also the Right manner of dying well. 511
A Declaration of The True Manner of Knowing Chirst Crucified 561
A Discourse of Conscience: Wherein Is Set Downe the Nature, Properties and differences thereof as also the way to Get and keepe good Conscience 579
The Foundation of Christian Religion, Gathered into Six principles 655
The Exposition of The Principles 660