Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

Conflantinople,in the dayes ofCanflantius,profeffedChriftian religion,and went beyond all otherin zeale forthe fame religion : yet afterwarde vnderJu- lian , he fc IIfrom thatreligionvnto Gentilifine. But after lulians death making means to be receiued into the Churchagaine , ouerwhelmed with the horror ofhisovvneconfcience for his wickedreuolting, heecat} himfelfe downe on. theground before thedooresofthe Church cryingaloud, Calcatemefalem in- frpielum: Trampleonmevnfaueryfaïte.And the deuill beleeueth thewordeof God and at his ownedamnationhee trembleth. Thefe feruile feares , though theyharden the heartofthe reprobate,asbeate cloth the yron,after it bathbeen in the furnace: yet thefe feares in the children ofGod °are verygood prepara- oA&2.37 tions,tomake them fit to recciue grace: like as we fee the needle whichfoweth Rom, 8'15* not the cloth,yet it maketh apaffage and entrance for the thread ,which ferueth for this vie, to fowe cloath together. XIJ® A reprobate beforehe commit a finne,isoften vexed aaithin himfelfe, and feareth to commit it : not becaufehe hateth anddiftiketh.thefin forit felfe, but becaufehe cannot abide thepunifhment due vntothe fin, i When the laugh- p Mar.6. ro terofHerodias dancedbeforeHHerod,andpleated him : that he might doehera as pleatùre,he badher aske what Thee or ould : the asked John Baptifles head in a platter : Herod didgrant her requefl,but yet hehad a grudging inheart,andhe was fore grieucdat it. q In like maner, Pilat was veriemuch troubled inwardly q Mat.27 before he condemnedour Saviour Chrif. -. r9 z4.j XIII. Afterhe bath committed a fn,hee rforrowethardrepenteth : yetthis repen- r Mar-27.3a tancebath twowants in it. Firfl,he dothnot detefl his fin , andhis formercon. Heb.12.17 uerfation when he repenteth:he doth bewail the loflèofmanie things which he once enioycd: he cryeth out throughveryanguifh,and through theperplexities whichGod in his iudgment layethon him : yet for his life, hee is not able to leauehis filthy Panne : and ifhemight be deliuered ,heewould finn'e as before: tEfauwept beforehisfather with great yelling and crying, butafter bee was (Germ, gonefrom his fathers prefence he hated his brother , who hadgothis blef ing, $2741 and incontempt ofhisfather, chofehim awife againfihis liking. Pharao , as oft as the Lord laid any calamitie onhim, t heeuermore defired tobe deliue- tExod. red from it, yet afterward alwaies he returned to his old byas againe. Foeli:t trembledbeforePaule:for all that, he couldnot kaue his couetoufnef e, but e- uenthen he fo ght for a bribe.Secondlythe reprobate; when herepenteth, he cannot come vnto tvod,and feekevino him: hebath no power;no notfo much as once todelire togiue one little fob forthe remiffon ofhis finnes: ifhewould giue all theworldhecannot fo much asgiue one rap at Godsmercie gate, that hemayopen to him.l^le is very like a manvpona racke,whocrieth and roreth Mar.7.7 out for verypaine, yetcannot defre his tormentor tocafe him ofhis payne. a Genq u Caine wouldhaue beenvoyd of his trembling,but he could not askepardon r.arn.,3 i.. ofhis finne fromhis heart : neither could.Saule,or Judas, or nowcan the devil% Mat,27. 5 MIL .