Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

ifirttuállDéfértiorls. T 37 feffethofhimfelfe, that after his conuerfion, helaythreeyéaresin defperation.. And common experience in fuch likecafes can make recordeoflonger time. The manner,God vfethin forfakinghisowne feruants,isoftwo fortes the firft isby taking awayone grace andputting another inthe roome:the fecond, by hidinghis graceas it werein acorner oftheheart. God takesawayhis grace,andputs another in the roome,diuers waies. I. Firfi,hebeteaueth his owne childrenofoutwardprofperitie, yea hewill loade themwith croffes; and yetbee will make a good fuppliebygiuing pa . tience.Dauid is drivenout ofhiskingdome byhisownefonne: aheauy croffe: yet theLord minifireth anhumble andpatient fpirit, foas hee wascontent to fpeake c If theLord thusfay, lhaveno delight in thee : beholde here I am, let c Sá 5 him doetomeasfeemethgoodinhis eyes. So likewifèChrillianMartyrsarebe- z, reauedofall outward fafetie,and layd open to the violence and perfècutionof tyrants ; yet inwardly they aré fiablifhed by thepowerofthe might of God, when they are moll weake they are mofl flrong, and when theyaremoll foy- led,then theyobraine viélorie. I I. Secondly,theLord cuts offthe daiesofthis life, and fórrecompence to hisowne elect glues life eternall, d The righteous is taken awayfor the euillto d Efa. come. This is manifefi in Iofias,ofwhom it is fayd, e Behold; Iwill gatherthee aa.[teg.:z;. tothyfathers,andthou (halt beput in thygrain, inpeace,and thine eyesfhall not fie all the euillwhich Iwillbringvpon thisplace. II I. Thirdly,God takes away the feelingofhis loue,andthe ioyof theho- ly Ghoti fora feafon : and then in the roome thereofhekindles anearned de- fireand thiriling with grones andcryings untoheauen,tobee inthe former fa- uour ofGod againe. This was Dauids cafe, when hecomplainedand fayd, f(My fpfa).7-7,t,' in thedayofvny trouble l fought theLord, my fore ranee and ceafed not in the 2.3. night: myfiule refufed comfort. Idid thinIZe vponGodand was troubled ; I Frayedand myfpirit wasfull ofangteifh. Selch. The like was the elate of the Church making her monevntoGod inEfay, gOLord,wbyhallthou madevs g.Efa.63.17 toerrefromthywaies ? Andhardened our heartsfrom thy feare ? Returnefor shyferuantsfak¿e,andforthetribesofthineinheritance. I I I I. Fourthly,God graunts his feruants the holy meanes offaluation, namely preaching,prayer,tacraments,audÉ:olds backe theefficacieofhis fpt- ritfor a time. In this cafe theyare like the corne field that isplowed & fowed with good corne : but yet for a time, it neuer giues rootingbeneath, nor fo much asa fhewofanybladeappeares aboue. Thusthe fpoufeofChritl, when fhecomes intohis Wincfelier,fhef ales into afwowne; fo. as fhiemutihbee hCart.z.4, flayed' withflasgons,and comf7rtedwit happles,becatafeßieisftkof lone. S. V. Fiftly,God giuethhis children a íirong afeaion,toobey his will, but he lets them faile inthe ac-t ofobedience it felfé, like as the prifoner who bath efcaped thehandof his Gaiter, bath an affectionto runnea thoufandmiles e- eeryhoure : but having happilyhis boults onhis legges, hecannot for his life but goe"very foftly, gauling and chafing his Befit ; and with much griefe fat.. ling. 20