Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

172 Ca ea con them thatareborne anew, and them that arenot borneanew : that the childré ofGodboth loueanddoe righteoufireffe,and the childrenofthe diuell loue fin, anddoe it : asalfo thediuel finned fromthebeginning: and Chrifi came to dif- folue the workesofthediuell, namely, in his cleft; for in the reprobatehee lea- nab themvntouched, becaufe theyare not giuen himof the fatherto beepur- ged,borne anew, and faced. Therefore feeing Chrifi was before ordained - andpredeflinate to the doing of all there workes, and that there is no good wrought in vs, whichwas not prouided forvs inChrifl from all eternitie : it is acleare cafe, that the care alloofdoinggoodworkes, is an effe&ofpredellina- Ephe. z .10. Lion. And the Apoflle plainely teacheth it when hefaith, thatwee were cre- ated in Chrift to good workes, which GODbath prepared that weemight t Ephe. .4, walke inthem. To this purpofe ferueththatwhich theApofile deliuerethoflóue I.Ti. .19. vnfain ed, . towhichhe fheweth, that we were ele&; ofagood confcience: Ttt.1.e5. which' he makes the infeparablecotnpanióoftheFaithof theele&.Lafily,ofa pure heart,whichhe afcribethtothe ele&,confideringthe vnfaithfaull haue no- . thingBeane in them,& thattheir minde & confcienceis defiled.Now that this .Pet. t . z o care todoe goodworkes, isneceffarie in allthe eleeî, Peter fheweth it, when heebidsvs eudeuour tomake our ele&ion andcalling fuze by goodworkes,as fomecopieshaueit. But towhom fhall weemake itfure? not vntoGOD,(for it waslure vnto him before the foundationofthe worlde) but untoour felues, and to our neighbours. And this is one of thechiefefl vfesof goodworkes, that by them,notasby caufes, but asbyeffe&s ofpredefiination andfaith,both wee, and altoour neighboursare certified ofour ele&ion, and ofourfaluation too. Furthermore, confidering whiles wee hauea care toglorifieGOD,todo good workes, and wee will not becomformable to theworld in the wicked- nes ofit, neitherfubmit our feluestoour flefh andSathan: the flefh, theworld and Sathan, do perpetually NA. arreagainflvs: and therewithall itcommeth to pafle, theybeeing n toff valiant enemies,thateither we areouercome, or at the leali in fighting are foyled. And therforeweare cóflrained toBic unto the Lord,& to cranehis afiifláce: therefore theeight e fell ofasar prede/lination is the callingvpon goy, that in this fight beewottldgiue vs aideaoainfji the Diuell, theworldand thefle1h.For this isthe propertie ofthe fpirit, which the ele&haue toflirre themvp topraier: for the fpiritit fenmaketh requefi forvs,wi:bgroningr that cannot be vttered, R,m.s, zs. that is to faie,it mouethvs tomake requefl. And becaufe wee areSonnes,God bath lent the fj iritofhisSonne into our hearts, crying AbbaFather. And God;' biddeth vs cal vpn him in the dayoltribulation, prornifing to hearevs,Prom there proceedeth theninth eyed. of predeftination, namely, aperpetual! repen- tancefor our dayitseflips, and acontinuall defiretobee betteredingodlir:e . So that allo,for this:caufechief-ly,wehartilydefre to be diffoluedout ofthiswcirld, and tobeewiththrill for this ende,,that wee might finne nomore,For this is a thingproperto theele&ofGod euen now borne anew: aswee maie fee in the Apofile, whofteaketh thus in thename ofall the regenerate:0inferable man that