Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

e o concsenee. 175 manbelceue inChrift,andperfeu ereunto theend in this faith workingby loue, Ial>"s he fhallperifh. The reafon is, becaufe in predéfination,the meanes and the endofit arc foioyned togither, that theonecannotbe feuered from the other. Wherefore whofoeuer holdeth notthe meanes vnto the end (aniongfawhich faith is one) it isinanifea, thathee was neuerpredefiinate, andtherefore muid needsperish : as onthe contrarie, he whichholdeth faith, mull needsbe faucd. So the truthofthefe propofitions is euident : He which beleeucth in the Sonne, bath eternal! life: contrariwise, he which beleeuethnot in the Sonne, theanger ofGod remaineth upon him,becaufeas a confiantFaith isa Pigneofelation foobílinate infidelitie isa tokenofreprobation. Bradfords anfwer toCareles,. Careles. j am troubled îÑthfeare that m_yfinnes are not "pardoned. Bradford Theyare : for Godbathgiuen theea peni- tent and beleeuingheart : that is an heart,whichdeft- reth to repent and bcleeue . For fuch an one is taken ofhim (he accepting thewillfor thedeed)for apeni- tent and beleeuingheart indeed. Trin-,vni` eogloria.