Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

o the Keáder. Firi,in themiddleofthe Lords prayer, there id placed a difcourfeof the Lords[upper. 2. Theendof theLords prayer isnot expounded at all butfriuoloufly. 3. Thereare everymanyplaces, which haueno common -reafonin them,as Firfi,Godsangels doehis willincountenance.3p. b. 2. Ourdailybread is communicatingbread.#f.b. I. Towal(ebeforeGod in the truthof thefatis/ thos ofGods ufice.rt.a. 4. Topurgeacleereconfcience.r r.b. ;. Thepages 455.66. 67. arefopenned,as the deader cannot knowwhat wasmymeaning. ow,confidering by this rvngodly ',mettle , ChriEian andwell diffiofedpeople aremuchabufed, toomit the injurie -done tomy f ifè : I thought it mydutie tomakea redre fl by publi/hiug thistreat:feaccordingas the points therein were ,delivered : otherwfe jwasnot lulling to haueJet downea- ny thing in theway of Expofirion of the Lords prayer: bt. cauye it is alreadyfu f cient j performedbyothers. AN