Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

1 8 An Expeftionvpeli theLartoprAyer. isa diret`Iion,and Is itwere a farnplar rotcach vshow and in vshat mannerwe oughtto pray. None is to imagine thatviceeare boundto vfe threewords only, and none other. Forthe meaningofChrifi is not t binde s to the ords,but to thematter and rothe manner, and to the like affe6tions in praying. 1t this werenot fo, theprayersofGods feruants let downe in the bookes of theolde and eiewTeflament,fhoold all bee faultie, becaufe theyare not fet dovi, ne is thevery famewords with the Lords prayer, nay this praycr is not fec downe in thefame words altogetherby Matthew and Luke. Andwhereas fundrie men inour Churchholde it vnlawfu1l tovie this very formeofwords asthey are fet downe byour Sauiour Chrilf îor aprayer, they are fatte deceiued,as will appeareby their reäfons. Firfl (fay they) it is fcrip- ture,and therefore nottobee vied asa prayer. I anfwere,that the fame thing may bethe fcriptureofGod,and alfo the prayerofman,els theprayersofMo. is,Dauid3and Patíl,being letdowne in the fcriptures, ceafe tobeeprayers. A- gaine(theyfay)that inprayer we aretocxpreffeour wants in particular,and the graces whichwedefire : now in thefewordsall thingstobeprayed for,are on- ly ingenerali propounded. I anfwere, that the mainewants that are in any man,and the principali gracesofGod tobedefired, are fet downe in the peti- ¿ions ofthisprayerin particular. Thirdly,they pleade thatthepaterne to make all prayersby,fhould notbevied as aprayer. I anfcere,that therefore the ra.. ther it maybevied as aprayer, and lure it is,that ancient and worthie Diuines haue reuerenced it as a prayer; chufrngrather tovfe there words then any o- ther,asCypri4nHs Ser,-one desr t.Dominie.And Thrtnilian op: inper- f guuriaae. AndAugu/?.Sermone i teaspore. Wherefore the opinion is full of ignorance and error. .. Well,whereasour Sauiourfiragiues acommaundement to pray,and then after gluesadireelionfor thekeeping of it, this hedoth to{litrevpour dulnes, and to allure vs by all meanes to thisheaucnly exercifeofprayer : wherefore NI I fay, imploy your (élues in prayer feruently and continually, and ifyou cannot doe ic,learue to pray. Thus muchofth . cornmaundenicnt ofour Se. uiourChriff : now follow the words oftheprayer. OurFather which art,&c. Heft words contains threeparts, r. Apreface. z. The pryer it (elk, T containing fixepetitions. 3 -. The teffificationoffaith in the fail word, Amen. Which although it be fhort, yet it doth not containc the fmalleftpoynt in the prayer: `t is(1 fay) a teflificationof our faith, whereas the petitions chat geebeforeareonely teflificationsofourdefres. Nowof thele threepartsin .. Wee rritifi confdcr how ourSauiourChat dothnot fet downe thefeu- donsabiuptly, bat he 11:ril begins with a foietaazxepreface. Whereby'Aee are e