Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

n ex=P I Tort vDon e or 't rayer. 191 'therefore hove theFather is tobecalled upon in the nameof the Sonne by the holyghof} . By this , the praiers ofGods Church, andthe praiers of heathen men aredifiinguifhed, who inuocateGodascreator out of the Father,Sonne, and holy Ghoi . And hence it is manife1c , that ignorant and Tillie people which doenot fomuch asdreameof thevnion, diftine}ion, and order of the perfons inTrinitie, makebut acold and flenderkind of praying. 2. Secondly,wemay ¡carne hereby that we arenot in any wife to inuocate Saints and Angels, but oncly the true Iehoua. The reafon Rands thus : This praier is either a perfe5t platforme for all praiers ,or not : tofay it were not, were an iniurie to our Sauiour Chrift : to lay it isfo, is alfo to graunt that it Both fullyfet downe to whomeall praiers arcto bemade.Now,in there words there is fet downe no inuocationbut 6f God alone. Forin praier to be tear- med, Ourfather, isproper to God. Efay.64. r 6. Thouart ourfather : though s4braham be ignorant ofv!, and ?faelknowvsnot :yet thora,OLorde, art our father and redeemer. Papifis therefore that are the great patrons of inuoca- tion of Saints , in their refortnedbrcuiaries andmifials, deale vertefondly : for Earl} theypray to Mare, that thee wouldpray to Chrifl fer them , and when theyhaue fodone, like iuglers theycome to Chrili and pray vnto hiu that hewould .accept .Maiics praier for them. 3. Thirdly, wee Iearne that there canbe no interceffour betvkcene God and vs, but onlyChria. Forherewee are taught tocome ,to God not as to a Iudge, but as toakind and louingfather . Nowbee is a fathertovson- lyby Chrifl : asfor Angels andSaints and,all creatures, they arenot able to procure byanymeans, that Godfhould become a father, nonot fo much as tooneman. 4. Againe,iftheGod towhome we praybe afather,we muff¡came to ac4 quaint our felues with the promifes which bee bath madein hisword,to epic- ken our hearts in all ourpraiersvnto him, andthereby to gatheraffiance toour felues andperfwafiou that he will graunt our re quells . For thisword (Father) implies areadinefl'eandwilltnone lle in God tohereand be merciful! to our praiers..Anda fathercannothilt muff needs make promiseoffauourto thole that behis children, and therefore it can notbe thathe fhould call God his fa- ther truely, whichbath not in his heart this aflurance , that Godwill fulfill all his prom ifes made vnto him. Promifes made topraier, as there and fuch like, areto be marked, asfollow, z . Chron. 7.14. If my people among whome myname iscalled vpon, doe humble t hem f lue!, andpray, andfeeke rayprefence,, andturnfrom their wicked tykes, thenI willhe2re inhearten, andbemerciful .vnto theirfirms. 2 . Chron. i 5. verf. 2. The Lorde is with you° vvhileye be withhim, andifyeefeekehtm, beewill befound ofyon . Efa.y.6t.verf.34.Br- fo- e they call I will antere, , and whiles they fpeake I will beare . Matth. 7. verfe 7. Hake and it (hall begiuenyou , feeke andyee /hall f nde , knocks andit fhaltbe opened. Luke r x . verf. r3. Ifyeewhicharecullcangiue good ere; unto your children , hovv much more (hall your beanal) father Nn a girl;