Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

AnExpoflrionvpon the Lordspraier. 199 2..7"he meaning. Fry few among thepeople canglue the right meaning ofthe wordes of V this prayer. They pretend,thatfecingGod knotves theirgood meaning, it is fuflicient for them to fay the wordes and to rneane well. But faithbeing oneofthegroundesofprayer, and there being no faith without knowledge, neithercan therebepraier without knowledge,andtherefore ignorantmen are to learn the right nneaningofthewords; Name.] Name inthis place hgnifieth i. Godhimfelfe. i.King. S.ver. 5 . He albuild anho tomy name. 2. His attributes,as his iuflice,mercie,&c. 3, His workes,creatures,and iudgements. 4. His word. 5. His honour andpraifearifingfiom all thee. ForGod isknowne to vs byal thefe, as menareknowne by their names and asall amans praifeand glorie lies inhis name: fo all the glorie ofGod i in thefe. Hallowed. TO hallow is to fewer orfet apart any thing from the common vfe,to forne- proper and peculiar end:as the Temple washallowed,that'is,fet apart to an j holyvfe; and the priefls were fan6lified,thatis,fet apart to the feruice ofGod. And all thatbel eeue inChrif are fancuified, that is , fet apart from fin to ferue God.In like maner Gods name ishallowed, when it isput apart fromobliui- on,contempt , prophanation, poIIution,blafphemie,andal abufe toanhohe, reuerent, and honorablevfc,whetherwe thinkfpeak ofit,orvfe itany manerof way.Leuit. ro.3.Ezech, ; 8.23 Qeff. How cana finfull:man hallowGodsname which is pure and bolie in itfelfe? minjwere. VVe doenot heerepray that wemightmake Gods name holie, as though wecouldadde fomething vnto it tonuke it more holie: but that we mightbe meanes to declare and make rnanifel} to the worlde by the right vfage ofit,that it isholle, pure and honourable. The!like phrafe is vied, . Luke7.9. Wifedormeisitaifcedby her children: that is, acknowledged. and declared tobe iu4.Fzech. 3 8.23. The (cope therforeofthe fief petition,isan earnef}delire that wemight lit foorthGodsglorie,whatfocuer becomeofvs;and it naybe exprcffed thus. O Lord openour eies that we may aright know thee,& acknowledge the great- nesofthypower, wifedome, iufiice, and mercy, whichappcares yin thy titles, word,,